0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

edl-to-yt v0.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago


When using DaVinci Resolve, you can export all of your markers on your timeline as an EDL file. Those contains the timestamp as well as the name of those markers.

This simple CLI tool allow you to process that file and generate a YouTube-friendly chapter generator.


npx edl-to-yt -p <path to your EDL file>

Sample output

If you don't have a marker at the 00:00 point of your video, one will automatically be created for you and be called Intro.

00:00 Intro
00:15 Chapter 1
01:47 Chapter 2
01:59 Chapter 3
02:38 Chapter 4
03:01 Chapter 5
03:35 Chapter 6
05:06 Chapter 7
05:32 Conclusion