0.1.9 • Published 11 years ago
ee-aws-v4-request v0.1.9
node.js class for making requests to some of the aws services
since the v4 signature works with the following services the request class should work too.
- Amazon CloudSearch
- Amazon CloudWatch
- Amazon DynamoDB ( tested )
- Amazon Elastic Transcoder
- Amazon Glacier
- Amazon Redshift
- Amazon Relational Database Service
- Amazon Simple Queue Service
- Auto Scaling
- AWS CloudFormation
- AWS Data Pipeline
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- AWS Identity and Access Management
- AWS Security Token Service
- Elastic Load Balancing
npm install ee-aws-v4-request
var Requester = require( "ee-aws-v4-request" );
var requester = new Requester( {
key: "AKI..."
, secret: "W5FF..."
, service: "DynamoDB"
, region: "eu-west-1"
, version: "20120810"
} );
requester.request( target, payload, function( err, statusCode, data ){
if ( err ) thro new Error( "problems requesting aws!" );
if ( statusCode === 200 ){
console.log( "yeah!" );
console.dir( data ); // prints the returned json object
} );
you may also extend other classes
var Class = require( "ee-class" );
var DynamoDBTable = new Class( {
inherits: Requester
, init: function( options ){
this.parent.init( options );
this.tableName = options.tableName;
, describe: function( callback ){
this.request( "DescribeTable", { TableName: this.tableName }, function( err, status, data ){
if ( err ) callback( err );
else if ( status !== 200 ) callback( new Error( "request failed because ..." ) );
else {
callback( null, data );
}.bind( this ) );
} );
var usertable = new DynamoDBTable( {
key: "AKI..."
, secret: "W5FF..."
, service: "DynamoDB"
, region: "eu-west-1"
, version: "20120810"
, tableName: "user"
} );
usertable.describe( function( err, data ){
} );