3.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

eessi-pensjon-ui v3.0.3

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Last release
3 years ago

EESSI Pensjon UI components

EESSI Pensjon UI is a collection of React components developed within the scope of EESSI Pensjon.

Initially meant to be reused by the different EESSI Pensjon frontend applications, any NAV frontend application can use these components.

To set this library as a dependency to your project, add this line in the dependencies object in your package.json file:

"eessi-pensjon-ui": "https://github.com/navikt/eessi-pensjon-ui#{tag}"

Make sure to replace {tag} with the latest Git tag.

There is a examples page with all the components hosted in this Git repo.

For the client user, that is all you need to do. For the developer who wants to run locally the code and improve it, then keep reading.


git clone git@github.com:navikt/eessi-pensjon-ui.git 
npm install
npm run start


Make sure you have installed:

Also, make sure you have read access to github.com/navikt


To clone this repo, go into your local working directory, and run (HTTPS)

git clone https://github.com/navikt/eessi-pensjon-ui.git

or (GIT+SSH)

git clone git@github.com:navikt/eessi-pensjon-ui.git 

With HTTPS you may have to provide username/password, with git+ssh your private key can be used for authentication.

You should see a {workDir}/eessi-pensjon-ui directory with the source code.


Installing reads package.json and package-lock.json to gather all dependency modules, downloads them from npm repository site and saves them in node_modules directory.

To install, run:

npm install

if you just cloned this repository, or everytime there is code update that changes package.json or package-lock.json. This commend installs the dependencis for the project.

package.json is the file where project dependencies (and dev dependencies) are listed.

package-lock.json is the file that locks dependency versions into this project's version.

In the end, you should see a npm summary output with all dependency packages installed, and an audit report.


This step is optional and not necessary if you are planning to do only local development.

If you are planning to do a production build, it is recommended to run npm audit to check if all 3rd party dependencies have no vulnerabilities.

To run the audit, do:

npm audit 

Ideally it should output:

found 0 vulnerabilities

If vulnerabilites are found, run:

npm audit fix     

If the vulnerabilities can't be fixed, npm lists them and tells the user to solve them manually.

This happens when the other libraries depend on a (now vulnerable) dependency version, but the library author hasn't updated it yet.

To circumvent that, we can force npm to ignore that specified (and vulnerable) version and install instead a different version.

To do that, check package.json for a resolutions key and add the dependency package. For example:

 "resolutions": {
     "acorn": "^7.1.1",
     "minimist": "1.2.3",
     "extend": "3.0.2",
     "cryptiles": "4.1.2"

Is telling npm to install the 3.0.2 version of the extend library, even if somewhere in the package-lock.json there is a dependency that requires a difference version.

To Perform these overrides, run:

npm run npx


Run tests with

npm run test

This runs all tests in watch mode, that is, after all tests finished the console is watching for changes in code so it can re-run tests again.

To run a subset of tests, add a pattern on the -t flag, as in

npm run test -t components/Alert

For coverage report, run

npm run test:coverage

Coverage tests don't run in watch mode.


Linting code makes it tidy, clean, indented and pretty.

To lint the code, run

npm run lint

To fix lint issues, run

npm run lint:fix

Note that if code is properly linted, the command outputs nothing.


To start the app locally in development mode, run

npm run start

This will launch a webpack server on port 3001 and launch a window/tab in your predefined browser.

Code will run in watch mode, so any changes made to code files will trigger a page reload.

If you want to change the default port, change this line in package.json:

"start:js": "cross-env PORT=3001 NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=8192 react-scripts start"


To build the app ready for production, run

npm run build

The build step generates the examples page with all the components.

You can see how it looks locally by running

serve -s build

then visit localhost:5000.


To create a distribution module for production with all the components in a way that can be reused by other projects, React or non-React, run:

npm run dist

Note: If you ran npm run build before, then the react-scripts would have changed the tsconfig.json file to have the line:

'noEmit': true

Remove this line before running npm run dist, to ensure that the distribution step emits declaration (*.d.ts) files.

If you need to do debugging in the eessi-pensjon-ui inside other project, then you can create a development distribution, which does not compact code and adds source maps. with:

npm run dist:dev

Dist files will be bigger, but easier to debug.


If an important change is done, then it is necessary to create a new dist and add a new tag so that the other NAV projects can refer to that new commit.

The recipe is as follows:

ncu -u // Update packages. ncu is npm-check-updates, you can install it globally as npm install --global npm-check-updates 
npm install // install new packages
npm run start // run locally while developing
// When new feature/bug fix is done: 
npm run lint:fix // lint code
npm run test // run tests
npm run build // create a build, you will see a new build directory
remove `noEmit: true` line from tsconfig.json 
npm run dist // create a dist, you will see a new dist directory
change version number in package.json
git add . // stage all file changes
git commit -m 'Message' // Add a commit 
git tag 'X.X.X' // Add a version tag
git push --tags origin master // push code along with new tag


None at the moment


Spørsmål knyttet til koden eller prosjektet kan stilles som issues her på GitHub.

For NAV-ansatte

Interne henvendelser kan sendes via Slack i kanalen #eessi-pensjonpub.


3 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago