1.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

egads v1.0.2

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6 years ago

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Yet another extensible error library for node.js

Extensible, Generic, Agnostic, Descriptive, Simple

Why this library?

There are tons of alterntive libraries out there, however they didn't meet the feature set I wanted:

  • Super tiny (under 40 lines!)
  • Doesn't pollute global scope or mutate existing types
  • Configurable and overwritable name, message, status, and custom fields
  • Deep nesting. Each extended error can further extend
  • Each error is an instanceOf all of it's parents, including the native Error type
  • Don't have to use the new keyword when throwing
  • Can use a single object parameter or multiple parameters
  • Can access the error stack, eg. err.stack

How To Use

Install npm install egads

Define your errors.

//define your base error
var Err = require('egads').extend('Something done goofd', 500, 'GenericError');

//Extend it for cover you basic types
Err.auth = Err.extend('Unauthorized', 401, 'AuthError');

//Make specific errors
Err.auth.badToken = Err.auth.extend('Bad Auth Token');

//Use object parameters
Err.badInput = Err.extend({
    name : 'BadInputError',
    message : 'What am I suppose to do with this?',
    status : 400,
    fields : {
        shameOnYou : true

module.exports = Err;


    throw new Err.auth.badToken();
    err instanceof Error;             //true
    err instanceof Err;               //true!
    err instanceof Err.auth;          //true!!
    err instanceof Err.auth.badToken; //true!!!
    err.name;       //'AuthError'
    err.message;    //'Bad Auth Token'
    err.status;     //401
    err.stack;      //Full stacktrace
    err.toString(); // 'AuthError : Bad Auth Token'

//Overide it!
    //Leave out the `new` if you want
    throw Err.auth({
        status : 418,
        name : 'TeapotError',
        message : 'Entity body must be short and/or stout',
        fields : {
            type : 'Earl Grey',
            temp : 'hot'
    err instanceof Err.auth;  //true!
    err.fields.type;          // 'Earl Grey'
    err.status;               //418
    err.toString();           // 'TeapotError : Entity body may be short and/or stout'

Express Handler

If you using express you can write a simple error handler for egads errors.

var app = require('express')();
var ApiError = require('egads');

var AuthError = ApiError.extend({
    status : 400,
    name : 'AuthError'

app.get('/:coolGuy', (req, res) => {
    if(!req.params.coolGuy) throw AuthError('not cool enough');
    return res.send('yo');

//Express Error Handler
app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
    if(err instanceof ApiError){
        //Since this is an API Error, we know it will have a status, name, and message
        return res.status(err.status).send({
            type : err.name,
            message : err.message
    //If a generic error, print the whole stack for debugging
    return res.status(500).send({
        message : err.message,
        stack : err.stack