15.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

egov-file-upload v15.0.0

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Last release
1 year ago

FileUpload Component


ng add sf-file-upload


Setup the hosting component

    [componentTitle]="'File Upload'"
    [allowedFileTypes]="['pdf', 'jpg', 'png']"

Accessing the upload component from a other component:

If you have one component then you can use @ViewChild but if you user more than one component your should user @ViewChildren

  @ViewChild(FileUploadContainerComponent) upload!: FileUploadContainerComponent;
  @ViewChildren(FileUploadContainerComponent) uploads!: QueryList<FileUploadContainerComponent>;
  selector: 'app-dashboard',
  templateUrl: './dashboard.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./dashboard.component.scss']
export class DashboardComponent implements {
  files!: DocumentResponse[];

  @ViewChild(FileUploadContainerComponent) upload!: FileUploadContainerComponent;
  @ViewChildren(FileUploadContainerComponent) uppies!: QueryList<FileUploadContainerComponent>;
  constructor() { }

  onAddFile(fileDescription: DocumentResponse) {
    console.log('AppComponent#onAddFile fileDescription=%O', fileDescription);

  onRemoveFile(id: number) {
    console.log('AppComponent#onRemoveFile id=%O', id);
    this.files = this.files.filter(file => file.id !== id);


.component {
  --component-title: gray;
  --component-title-size: 2em;
  --component-title-margin: 30px 0 0 2px;
  --description-text-color: gray;
  --description-text-size: 1em;
  --description-text-margin: 5px 0 2px 20px;
  --file-count-tracker-text-color: gray;
  --file-count-tracker-text-size: 1.2em;
  --file-count-tracker-text-margin: 0 10px 2px 0;
  --max-file-reached-text-color: yellow;
  --max-file-reached-text-size: 1.2em;
  --max-file-reached-text-margin: 10px 0 2px 10px;

  --file-type-hint-text-color: gray;
  --file-type-hint-text-size: 1.2em;
  --file-type-hint-text-margin: 10px 10px 0 0;

  --file-size-exceeded-alert-text-color: red;
  --file-size-exceeded-alert-text-size: 1.4em;
  --file-size-exceeded-alert-text-margin: 10px 0 0 2px;

  --upload-margin: 0 10px 0 10px;
  --upload-padding: 3px 3px;

  --dropzone-padding: 40px 0 0 0;
  --dropzone-height: 350px;
  --dropzone-button-color: white;

  --drop-icon-text-row-display: inline; // you can set it to flex to make the icon and be displayed in a row
  --drop-icon-text-row-direction: row;
  --drop-icon-text-row-justify: center;
  --dropzone-icon-color: black;

  --dropzone-button-text: black;
  --dropzone-button-margin: 0 0 0 0;

  --dropzone-text-color: black;
  --dropzone-text-size: 1.2em;
  --dropzone-text-margin: 0 0 10px 0;
  --dropzone-text-font-weight: lighter;

  --dropzone-background: #f5f5f7;

  --dropzone-error-text-color: red;
  --dropzone-error-text-size: 1.5em;
  --dropzone-error-text-margin: 0 0 0 0;
  --dropzone-error-font-weight: normal;

### Configure the needed icons
With the installation of the package there are also delivered the needed icons. To setup the usage of the icons add following lines to your angular.json.

"architect": {
    build": {
        "options": {
            "assets": [
                    "glob": "**/*",
                    "input": "./node_modules/sf-file-upload/assets/file-upload-images",
                    "output": "/assets/images"


You can customize your file upload with the following parameters

filesObservable<DocumentResponse[]>of([])List of files
displayFileListbooleantruetoggle if the list with files is displayed
displayUploadbooleantruetoggle if the upload area is displayed
downloadAllowedbooleantruedisplay File name as link
canDeletebooleantruedisplay Delete Button
titlestring''The Maintitle over the component
displayTitlebooleantruetoggle if the main title of the component is displayed
fileTypeHintstring''Information text about the allowed file types
descriptionboolean''description of the file-upload
displayDescriptionbooleanfalseShould the description be displayed
displayFileTypeHintbooleantrueSet if file type hints are displayed
allowedFileTypesstring[][]toggle if the upload area is displayed
maxFileCountnumber1000Max allowed files who can be uploaded
maxFileReachedTextstringMax file count exceededText displayed when the allowed file count is exceeded
displayFileCountTrackingTextbooleantruedisplay the tracking value of files they have been already uploaded
fileCountTrackingTextstring'%COUNT%/' + this.maxFileCount + ' uploaded'%COUNT% will be replaced with the value of the current file count. If you don't pass a %COUNT% placeholder the message will be passd as given.
maxFileReachedTextstring'You have uploaded the maximum number of documents (%MAX%) allowed.'%COUNT% will be replaced with the value of the current file count. If you don't pass a %COUNT% placeholder the message will be passd as given.
maxMbAllowednumber100Sets the max MB allowed to upload over all files
trackMaxMbAmountbooleanfalseSets the max MB allowed to upload over all files
maxMbTrackingTextstringThe max allowed MB amount of %SIZE% over all files is exceededText Displayed when the max file sizes over all files is exceeded. %SIZE% will be replaced with the actual size amount. If you don't pass a %SIZE% placeholder the message will be passd as given.
displayMaxMbTrackingTextbooleantrueSets if the overall MB text will be displayed
maxMbExceedTextstring'This file could not be added, it is to big you can upload max. %SIZE% Mb. The file %FILENAME% has a size of %FILESIZE%.'Text displayed in the drop area
dropAreaTextstringDrop documentes hereText displayed in the drop area
hideDropAreaWhenMaxCountReachedbooleanfalseShould the upload area be hidden when the maxFile value is reached
displayWrongFileTypeErrorInDragAreabooleantrueDecide if the wrong file format error message should be displayed inside the drag area or above the drag area.
browseButtonTextstringExplore harddiskButton text for the harddisk explorer
displayDropAreaButtonbooleantrueSet if the drop area button will be displayed
displayDropAreaIconbooleantrueSet if the drop area Icon will be displayed
displayDropAreaTextbooleantrueSet if the drop area Text will bes displayed
wrongFileFormatMessagestringThis type of file is not allowedText displayed when the user try to upload a file who isn't allowed
displayFileSizebooleantrueSet if the files should be displayed in the file list
fileListNameRowLabelstringNameSets the filename row label
fileListCreateDateRowLabelstringUploadedSets the uploaded row label
fileListSizeRowLabelstringSizeSets the size row label
a11yExplainFileDownloadIconstringAccessibility text for download Icon
a11yExplainFileNamestringAccessibility text for file name, this. is only allowed if download isn't allowed
a11yExplainFileDownloadstringAccessibility text for file download this is only announcent if download is allowed. The Annoucnement is a combimnation of a11yExplainFileName and a11yExplainFileDownload
a11yExplainFilesizestringAccessibility text for file size
a11yExplainFileCreateDatestringAccessibility text for create date
a11yExplainFileDeleteButtonstringAccessibility text for delete Button
a11yExplainUploadTitlestringAccessibility text for upload title
a11yExplainBrowseButtonstringAccessibility text for browse harddisk button
a11yFileDownloadAnnouncementstringLive announcement when the user downloads a file
a11yFileCountTrackingAnnouncementstringLive announcement when the file count changes


export interface DocumentResponse {
  id: number;
  createDate: Date;
  filename: string;
  fileSize: number;
  mimeType: string;


To react to user actions like upload and delete of files you can implement this functions in your component.

addFileEventEmitterUser implementation to react to a file upload
removeFileEventEmitterUser implementation to react to user deleting a file
downloadFileEventEmitterUser implementation to react to user downloading a file

Paginator translation

The Paginator is in english and can't be translated without ngx-translate.

The Host applction should have the ngx-translation up an running:

  "general.paginator.from.to.label": "von",
  "general.paginator.items.per.page": "Anzahl Einträge",
  "general.paginator.next.page": "Nächste Seite",
  "general.paginator.previous.page": "Vorherige Seite",
  "general.paginator.last.page": "Letzte Seite",
  "general.paginator.first.page": "Erste Seite"
imports: [
      defaultLanguage: 'de',
      loader: {
        provide: TranslateLoader,
        useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory,
        deps: [HttpClient]
    }), providers: [
    { provide: MatPaginatorIntl, useClass: TranslatedPaginatorService },


When testing the library by installing it from file sistem npm instal ../local/directory/dist/lib or by linking npm directory npm link ... you must use preserveSymlink in the host application.


"architect": {
    "build": {
      "options": {
        "preserveSymlinks": true,

1 year ago