1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

eing-bills-entity v1.0.0

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Last release
6 years ago



This module is used to get and populate bills-entity business domain data.

To use this module import eing-bills-entity-entity and use it's actions, queries and models.


nodejs must be installed.

Dependent feature/utility modules should be available in the private npm registry.

Setup comcast NPM Registry:

This setup is one-time process and common/required for all types of eing-* modules.

npm config set registry https://artifactory.io.comcast.net/api/npm/npm-all

npm config set @angular:registry https://registry.npmjs.org/

npm config set @types:registry https://registry.npmjs.org/

npm config set @ngtools:registry https://registry.npmjs.org/

npm config set @ngrx:registry https://registry.npmjs.org/

Build Process:

npm start - To run in dev machine.

npm run build - To produce the release build.

Running Unit Tests:

  1. Run npm run unit:test.

  2. It will create the coverage report in coverage folder and test report in karmaUnitTestReport folder.

How to publish:

  1. If the project/module is already published, please unpublish it first. To unpublish you can use npm unpublish -f or npm unpublish -f <module_name> or npm unpublish -f <module_name@version>

  2. Run npm publish to publish a latest package.

  3. Verify on private npm registry/artifactory web console (https://artifactory.io.comcast.net/webapp/).

Runner 1. To make this module self runnable we are using Runner which could be found under "runner" folder on the root of the application.

  1. Whenever we introduce new dependencies for the module please also refer to the systemjs.conf.js file for updating the references.

  2. Please note, whenever we build package of the application using npm run build this Runner is not included in the packaged file i-e *.umd.js because currently this is only used for development purpose and to run functional test cases on individual features.

Rollup / Tree Shaking 1. Whenever we import new external dependency in our source files we would also have to define those dependencies in globals and external array of rollup.conf.js

Gulp 1. We are using gulp to inline our scss and html files while using typescript to compile our code into js format with the help of tsconfig.json

  1. We are also using gulp-watch which helps us in smooth development and faster ts to js compilation at development time.

  2. We are using gulp mainly for generating module specific distribution which should be deployable in any external server. e-g For eing-<MODULE_NAME>-entity, it will generate <MODULE_NAME>-entity