0.0.3-dev • Published 2 years ago

electron-form-dialog v0.0.3-dev

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2 years ago


Electron helper to prompt for input given any html form inputs.


npm install electron-form-dialog --save
dialog([contentOptions, windowOptions]).then(...).catch(...)

The result object given to the then function is a JSON object that maps name to 1. value of checked radio button incase of radio input, or null if none is selected 2. true if checked for checkboxes 3. value for any other input and select


const dialog = require('electron-form-dialog');

	title: 'Server selection',
	label: 'Please select a server',
	form: `
		<input type="radio" name="server" value="default" checked>
		<label for="default">Standard server</label>
		<input type="radio" name="server" value="custom">
		<input type="url" name="custominput" for="custom" placeholder="http://test.com">`
}).then((r) => {
    if(r != null) {
        if(r.server === "custom") {
        } else {

ContentOptions object (required)

form(required, string) Custom HTML to add to the form container. Upon submitting all input tags in this container will converted to JSON object that maps name attribues to values.
description(optional, string) The label which appears above the form. Defaults to 'Please fill this form'.
buttonLabels(optional, object) The text for the OK/cancel buttons. Properties are 'ok' and 'cancel'. Defaults to null.
labelIsHtml(optional, boolean) Whether the label should be interpreted as HTML or not. Defaults to false.
customStylesheet(optional, string) The local path of a CSS file to stylize the prompt window. Defaults to null.

WindowOptions object (optional)

title(optional, string) The title of the prompt window. Defaults to 'Dialog'.
width(optional, integer) The width of the prompt window. Defaults to 370.
minWidth(optional, integer) The minimum allowed width for the prompt window. Same default value as width.
height(optional, integer) The height of the prompt window. Defaults to 130.
minHeight(optional, integer) The minimum allowed height for the prompt window. Same default value as height.
resizable(optional, boolean) Whether the prompt window can be resized or not (also sets useContentSize). Defaults to false.
alwaysOnTop(optional, boolean) Whether the window should always stay on top of other windows. Defaults to false
icon(optional, string) The path to an icon image to use in the title bar. Defaults to null and uses electron's icon.
menuBarVisible(optional, boolean) Whether to show the menubar or not. Defaults to false.
skipTaskbar(optional, boolean) Whether to show the prompt window icon in taskbar. Defaults to true.
parentWindow(optional, object) The window in which to display the prompt on. Defaults to null