0.0.3 • Published 4 years ago

ellipse-elements v0.0.3

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4 years ago

Ellipse Elements

Mini tool to align HTML elements along an ellipse or a part of an ellipse.So you can arrange your HTML items along an ellipse easily without using canvas or any complex math functions. It's easy to use and high performance.

😎😎 Online Demo


Using npm:

npm install ellipse-elements

Using yarn:

npm install ellipse-elements

Using unpkg CDN

<script src="http://unpkg.com/ellipse-elements/lib/ellipse-elements.min.js"></script>


After importing ellipse-elements to your project, you can call it like this,

const myEllipse = new EllipseElements(htmlElement, options)

There are two arguments that you should pass to the EllipseElements:

  • htmlElement: the target element that you want to ellipse its child
  • options: properties to shape your ellipse. You can see all in below table.


typeequal/compactequalLayout type of the ellipse. there are two types, equal and compact. The distance between items will be equal in "equal" mode.
size0, 10.5Size of ellipse. Its a number between 0 and 1. if you want a entire ellipse it must be 1.
rotate0, 3600Use this property to rotate ellipse. It could be a number between 0 and 360.
reflection-1, +11Use this to mirroring the ellipse. its standard value is a number in range of -1,+1 but you can set any numbers. for example, value 2 means two times height for the ellipse.

Render with new options

To update initial options you can use .update(newOptions) api. this method merges new options with the previous object and rerender the ellipse.


const elm = document.getElementById("demo");
const options = {
    type: "equal", // compact, equal
    size: .5, // 0, 1
    rotate: 5, // 0, 360
    reflection: 1, // 0, 1, only in compact layout
    reverse: false
const htmlEllipse = new EllipseElements(elm, options)

// to update options and rerender the ellipse
htmlEllipse.update({size: 1})

Sample Layouts

Ellipse elements samples