0.0.3 • Published 9 years ago

ember-cli-fixture-loader v0.0.3

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9 years ago

Ember CLI Fixture Loader

An ember-cli addon to keep your fixtures separate from your models.


Install the addon and run the ember-cli blueprint.

npm install ember-cli-fixture-loader --save

Fixture Generation

To generate fixture with standard syntax:

ember generate fixture <model-name>
ember generate fixture <model-name> --pod

It will generate app/fixtures/tag.js and app/pods/tag/fixture.js respectively


This addon can be configured in environment config:

  enabled: true

enabled: true/false - control whether fixture addon will search for fixtures or not. Also you can use this setting in adapter to control which adapter should be used.


Model.reopenClass({...}) will be handled automatically based on where fixture for model can be found:

Example /app/models/post.js

import DS from "ember-data";

export default DS.Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr("string");

Example /app/fixtures/post.js or /app/pods/post/fixture.js

export default [
   id: 1,
   title: 'Example'
  id: 2,
  title: 'Example 2'

FixtureAdapter per environment control

If you want to dynamically control adapter based on enabled or disabled Fixtures setting, you can do it easily in application adapter:

import DS from 'ember-data';
import Configuration from '<app-name>/config/environment';

var adapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend();

if (Configuration.FIXTURES.enabled) {
  adapter = DS.FixtureAdapter.extend();

export default adapter;

Also you can control adapter by each model type, consider case when part of the API was released but other part is in development.


Error while processing route: templates Assertion Failed: Unable to find fixtures for model type 

you have enabled Fixture adapter for the model, which do not have fixtures but you request this model via store. Add fixture for this model.


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
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  5. Create new Pull Request