0.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

ember-cli-markdown-as-json v0.1.0

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Last release
6 years ago


Simple addon that allows you to transform directories of markdown posts to ember-data models. Meant to be used in combination with Prember and Fastboot for completely static single-page apps, drived by markdown files. It uses broccoli-static-site-json underneath.

For installation jump in the install section.


On content/ under root dir (scroll down to see how you can modify the defaults) you can start adding markdown (.md) files. What is cool though is that each markdown file can have a frontmatter section, where you can define key-values. So for example, a file can look like this:

author: Filippos Vasilakis
title: How to use Markdown
url: how-to-use-markdown
subtitle: Better than HTML
isIndex: true

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax.
It is designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name.

The addon automatically creates a Content model (along with its adapter) which you can use to filter the markdown files after you fetch everything. For instance parent route (like application route) you can fetch everything inside a (before/after) model hook

  //parent route
  model() {
    return this.get('store').findAll('content');

And in a child route you can filter those based on your needs:

  model(params, transition) {
    return this.get('store').queryRecord('content', {
      title: 'How to use Markdown'

One common pattern is to define a dynamic route for all markdown contents

  this.route('content', { path: '/:url' });

and inside the route use the url's path to find the relevant markdown:

  model(params, transition) {
    return this.get('store').queryRecord('content', {
      url: transition.targetName

Once you have loaded the markdown that you want, you can render it using ember-remarkable:


It should be noted that the addon supports live reloading which means that you can edit the markdown and see the changes without restarting the server :)

Also using Prember and Fastboot you can have a complete static site, regardless if you use ember-data in development mode for productivity :)

Advanced stuff

If you want more advanced stuff, you can check ember-remarkable's html and dynamic options. In fact, it's possible to write plain HTMLBars code inside your markdown, or call a component and it will be rendered correctly.

Use with care though :P


Install the addon:

ember install ember-cli-markdown-as-json

You probably want to install ember-remarkable as well:

ember install ember-remarkable

By default the addon looks in the content/ dir inside the root directory. However, you can change that through the config (config/environment.js) of your app. In the same config you need to specify any attributes you expect your model to have, based on the frontmatter that you use in your .md files:

var ENV = {
  'ember-cli-markdown-as-json': {
    contentDirectory: 'foobar', //relative to root path, defaults in `content`',
    attributes: {
      index: 'number', //addon creates `index: DS.attr('number') inside the Content model
      isIndex: 'boolean',
      linkName: 'string',
      name: 'string',
      path: 'string',
      subtitle: 'string',
      title: 'string',
      url: 'string'

(attributes can also be an array but then everything is declared as string in the model)


I should credit @mansona (Chris Manson) and @serenaf for their help with the broccoli-static-site-json which basically does all the dirty job of parsing, converting markdowns to JSON and fnally adding them to the Broccoli's output tree.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/kollegorna/ember-cli-markdown-as-json.