0.2.5 • Published 8 years ago

ember-cli-rollup v0.2.5

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Last release
8 years ago


Say goobye to shims ! Automatically embed modules imported from your source code. No need to prefix imports like ember-browserify does. This addon is still experimental and may need more tests and optimizations. Tested with d3, moment, lodash and date-now.

WARNING : ember-cli-rollup may require the latest version of loader.js, especially if you plan to use named or namespace imports.


npm install --save-dev ember-cli-rollup

What it does

ember-cli-rollup :

  • parses sources under app/ and detects imports that are not ember's aliases or yet installed addons
  • supports namespace, default and named imports
  • exports everything into a single self executing module that will re-exports everything into separate modules
  • prevent code duplication through exported modules


This section is using D3 as an example of how to build custom bundles for your app.

  1. Install the packages that you want to use via NPM and save them as dependencies in your package.json file:

    npm install --save-dev d3-selection d3-scale d3-axis
  2. Use d3 in your app

    import { scaleLinear, scaleTime } from 'd3-scale';
    import { axisBottom, axisLeft } from 'd3-axis';
    import { select } from 'd3-selection';
  3. And that's it ! All required modules parts will be bundled

  4. Configure. In your ember-cli-build.js file you can configure the rollup general build options or isolate a module and pass specific options to it.

    var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
      'ember-cli-rollup': {
        excludes: ["some module to exclude from bundle"],
        trace: true, //writes generated exports to console, default false
        global: {
          sourceMap: false //default: true
          /* global build settings */
        standalone: {
           "d3-scale": { //d3-scale will be bundled apart : define('d3-scale', ...) { ... }
           /* module specific build settings */


This addon was inspired by Turbo87/ember-cli-rollup


This project is licensed under the MIT License.