0.0.8 • Published 5 years ago

ember-confirmbox-addon v0.0.8

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5 years ago

Ember Confirm Box

This README outlines the details of collaborating on this Ember-Confirmbox-Addon application. A short introduction of this app could easily go here.


  • Ember.js v2.18 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.

This addon is developed with Ember CLI 3.9


ember install ember-confirmbox-addon


In general, we may have loop of items and each item may need confirmation before taking any final action. In such case, we will have our component in loop that's not suggested and optimize way. As we know at a time only one confirmation will come on the screen. Looping more components in DOM and keeping it may take JSHeap and occupy DetachedDOM. Rather than doing this, we have only one confirm box for the action. We transmite data to the confirmbox.

Let's have an example for better understanding.


In the example, we have list of tasks. For each task, we have a component called TaskElement Demo | Demo Github Repository


We have two type of confirmboxes.

  • Dialog Modal type with overlay over the page
  • inline

Let's begin with Dialog Modal

Types1: Dialog Modal

File#1: app/task/controller.hbs
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import { inject } from "@ember/service";

export default Controller.extend({
  confirmbox: inject(),
  actions: {
    async deleteTask() {
      if (this.confirmbox.selected) {
    closeConfirmbox() {
File#2: app/task/template.hbs
{{#each model.task as |task|}}
  <TaskElement @task={{task}}>
<Confirmbox @activator="deleteTask" @title="Delete Task" @text="Are you sure?" @confirmButtonText="Confirm" @cancelButtonText="Opp"
  @showCancelButton @onConfirm={{action "deleteTask"}} @onCancel={{action "closeConfirmbox"}} />

Here, task has two components. One is TaskElement and 2nd is Confirmbox. TaskElement component has an action {{action "setValue" task "activator_name" target=confirmbox}} to pass data to Confirmbox.

@activator helps to identify the component for which the action is being triggered. So the name of activator at <Confirmbox /> component and element where it's being triggered must be the same.

Let's see TaskElement

File#3: app/components/task-element/template.hbs
<article class="blog-post">
  <div class="body">{{yield}}</div>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" {{action "setValue" task "deleteTask" target=confirmbox}}>Delete</button>

In our example, on click of the <button> element the confirmbox will be activated for deleteTask action.

File#4: app/components/task-element/component.js
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { inject } from "@ember/service";

export default Component.extend({
  confirmationItem: null,
  confirmbox: inject()

Here you could see, we have a service called confirmbox. This is being used in app/components/task-element/template.hbs.

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" {{action "setValue" task "deleteTask" target=confirmbox}}>Delete</button>

{{action "setValue" task "deleteTask" target=confirmbox} will use the method declared in ember-confirmbox-add package which will set current selected object/value and identify the confirmbox.

The moment {action "setValue" task "deleteTask" target=confirmbox}} action is invoked, the service will update the status of Confirmbox and it will come up.

Based on the confirmbox action (confirm/cancel), it will invoke the action passed in @onConfirm or @onCancel.

<Confirmbox @activator="deleteTask" @title="Delete Task" @text="Are you sure?" @confirmButtonText="Confirm" @cancelButtonText="Opp"
  @showCancelButton @onConfirm={{action "deleteTask"}} @onCancel={{action "closeConfirmbox"}} />

Types2: Inline

There are manu cased wheere we do't want whole screen dialog modal for confirmation. To have quick action and clear UI, we can have inline confirmation.

Please refer demo for more clarity.

<InlineConfirmbox @confirmButtonClass="btn-success" @onConfirm={{action "confirmHandler" 1}}
  @onCancel={{action "cancelHandler"}}>
  <button class="btn"><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Home</button>
import Component from '@ember/component';

export default Component.extend({
  actions: {
    confirmHandler(args) {
      console.log("Confirm Inline.js component", args);
    cancelHandler() {
      console.log("cancel Inline.js component");

It's almost identical to use but the working UI will be different. You can use any tag between opening and closing tag of InlineConfirmbox component. That will be yielded.

activatorDesignate a custom activator which will help to address particular confirmbox if a view has many confirmboxestrue
titleTitle of the confirmboxtrue
textText to set after the titlefalse
onConfirmThis is action handler when user choose confirm this will need an action to handle further processtrue
onCancelThis is action handler when user choose cancel this will need an action to handle further processtrue
confirmTextSet your confirm button textfalseOkay
cancelTextSet your cancel button textfalseCancel
cancelClassSet css class on cancel buttonfalsebtn-default
confirmClassSet css class on confirm buttonfalsebtn-primary
showCancelBtnShow Cancel button. You just need to declare prop in component, it will consider as true if you mentioned the prop.falseN/A
setValueCurrent object/value in cofirmbox


Version 0.0.8
  • README.MD Updates
  • Inline Confirmbox
Version 0.0.7

README.MD Updates: Added a demo link and git repo for demo.

Version 0.0.6

UI Fix and READ.ME Updates.

Version 0.0.5

Allow mutliple confirmbox in a page as well as in the application. We have added a props named @activator to <Confirmbox /> component as identifier in case of multiple <Confirmbox /> in a view.


Designed & Developed in CuelogicCuelogic

Developed By: Jaimin R. Vaja


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago