1.1.0 • Published 7 years ago
ember-cronstrue v1.1.0
Ember cRonstrue
This Ember CLI addon is a simple wrapper for cRonstue (v1.1.0).
$ ember install ember-cronstrue
In your handlebars template just do:
{{ember-cronstrue cron-expression}}
{{ember-cronstrue '0/5 * * * * *'}}
To use the i18n support cRonstrue provides, you can pass the name of a supported locale as the second parameter to the {{ember-cronstrue}} helper.
{{ember-cronstrue '0/5 * * * * *' 'fr'}}
Supported Locales
- en - English
- nl - Dutch
- fr - French
- de - German
- it - Italian
- nb - Norwegian
- pl - Polish
- pt_BR - Portuguese (Brazil)
- ro - Romanian
- ru - Russian
- es - Spanish
- sv - Swedish
- tr - Turkish
- uk - Ukrainian
- zh_CN - Chinese (Simplified)
Default Locale
The default locale is 'en'. The default locale can be configured in your apps config/environment.js
file. For example:
// config/environment.js
module.exports = function(environment) {
var ENV = {
ENV['ember-cronstrue'] = {
defaultLocale: 'nl'
return ENV;