0.0.4 • Published 9 years ago

ember-data-tiny-factory v0.0.4

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9 years ago

Ember Data Tiny Factory - (EmberCLI Addon) Build Status

This is an EmberCLI addon that allows you to create mock Ember Data models for use in your unit tests.

  • Works with Mocha and QUnit.
  • Automatic setup/teardown of ModelFactory before/after each test...
  • Automatic lookup of transitive dependencies (DS.Transforms and DS.Model) in your models. (You do NOT need to register models that you use with ModelFactory in your test's 'needs' relationship)
  • Supports both template-based record creation, and ad-hoc definition of id or properties for a record.
  • Allows generation of factory templates using ember g factory [MODEL_NAME]


  • Install: ember install git+ssh://git@github.com:grese/ember-data-tiny-factory.git
    • If you see this error: "The ember generate command requires an entity name to be specified. For more details, use ember help.", run the following setup command:
    • Setup: ember g ember-data-tiny-factory tiny-factory (skip if you did not see the error above)
  • After setup, have a look in your tests/test-helper.js file:

    • You should see that the following lines of code have been automaticaly added to the file (if QUnit, the import statement will say 'ember-data-tiny-factory/setup/qunit').

      // ...
      import { factorySetup } from 'ember-data-tiny-factory/setup/mocha';
      // ...
          modulePrefix: '[YOUR_APP_NAME]',
          resolver: resolver
    • If you do not see these lines, just add them (with the correct import statement for your test framework).

      • Mocha: import { factorySetup } from 'ember-data-tiny-factory/setup/mocha';
      • QUnit: import { factorySetup } from 'ember-data-tiny-factory/setup/qunit';



To create records based on a particular model, you'll need to create a 'factory' for that model. The name of your factory needs to map to the name of the model it represents. (For instance, a 'post' model would have a 'post' factory).

  • Create a Factory named 'post':

    • ember g factory post
    • This will create a factory in tests/factories/post.js, which will have the following code:

      import ModelFactory from 'ember-data-tiny-factory';
      ModelFactory.define('post', {
          index: {}
  • Defining 'templates' in the factory

    • 'index' template will be used by default.
    • Some sample templates...

      // in tests/factories/post.js ...
      ModelFactory.define('post', {
          index: {
            title: 'The index template will be used by default...',
            date: '2015-07-04'
          noTitle: {
              title: null,
              date: '2015-07-04'
          noDate: {
              title: 'I have no date...',
              date: null
      // in tests/factories/comment.js ...
      ModelFactory.define('post', {
          index: {
              comment: 'Well, that was SOME story!',
              date: '2015-07-04',
              isApproved: false
          approved: {
              comment: 'Well, that was SOME story!',
              date: '2015-07-04',
              isApproved: false
          empty: {
              comment: 'Well, that was SOME story!',
              date: '2015-07-04',
              isApproved: false
    • The ModelFactory will automatically generate IDs for your records if you do not specify one. For the most part, it is recommended that you do NOT specify the 'id' property in your templates. You do actually have the ability to specify the 'id' in your templates, but be mindful that you will not be able to create lists of records from that template if it has an 'id' hard-coded because each EmberData record must have a unique 'id'.

  • Creating a record, or a list of records

    • createRecord:

    • createRecordList:

    • Create record(s) from a template:

      // ...
      import ModelFactory from 'ember-data-tiny-factory';
      // ...
      // Creates a 'post' with 'index' template...
      var post = ModelFactory.createRecord('post');
      // Creates a post with 'noDate' template...
      var noDatePost = ModelFactory.createRecord('post', 'noDate');
      // Creates a post with 'noTitle' template...
      var noTitlePost = ModelFactory.createRecord('post', 'noTitle');
      // Creates a list of 3 comments with 'index' template...
      var comments = ModelFactory.createRecordList('comment', 3);
      // Creates a list of 10 comments with 'approved' template...
      var approvedComments = ModelFactory.createRecordList('comment', 10, 'approved');
      // Creates a list of comments: one 'index', one 'approved', one 'empty'...
      var assortedComments = ModelFactory.createRecordList('comment', 2, ['index', 'approved', 'empty']);
      // NOTE: All of the records created in the examples above will have an automatically generated 'id'.
    • Create record(s) from a template with a custom 'id'

      // ...
      import ModelFactory from 'ember-data-tiny-factory';
      // ...
      // Create a 'post' with 'index' template, and 'id' of '12345'.
      var post = ModelFactory.createRecord('post', 'index', '12345');
      // Create a 'post' with 'index' template, and 'id' of '23456'.
      var post2 = ModelFactory.createRecord('post', null, '23456');
      // Create a list of 'comments' with 'index' template, and specific 'id's.
      var comments = ModelFactory.createRecord('comment', 3, null, [
          '1', '2', '3'
      // Create a list of 'comments' with 'empty' template, and specific 'id's.
      var ids = ['101', '102', '103'];
      var comments2 = ModelFactory.createRecord('comment', 3, 'empty', ids);
    • Create ad-hoc record(s) with custom properties

      // ...
      import ModelFactory from 'ember-data-tiny-factory';
      // ...
      // Create a custom post...
      var customPost = ModelFactory.createRecord('post', {
          id: '10',
          title: 'I am a custom post',
          date: '2015-07-04'
      // Create 3 custom comments (no template)...
      var customComments = ModelFactory.createRecordList('comment', 3, [
          {id: '1', comment: 'splendid!'},
          {id: '2', comment: 'splendid!'},
          {comment: 'fantastic!'}, // (will have auto-generated ID)
      customPost.set('comments', customComments);
      // Create a mixed list of templated comments, and custom comments...
      var mixedComments = ModelFactory.createRecordList('comment', 5, [
          {id: '2', comment: 'splendid!'},
          {id: '3', comment: 'wonderful!!'}
      // Create custom post with auto-generated ID:
      var customPostAutoId = ModelFactory.createRecord('post', {
          title: 'I will have an auto-generated id',
          date: '2015-07-04'



  • git clone git@github.com:grese/ember-data-tiny-factory.git
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server



9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago