0.0.14 • Published 8 years ago

ember-dnf-blueprints v0.0.14

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Last release
8 years ago


A set of blueprints and helpers for rapid web app development.


ember install ember-dnf-blueprints

Inculde bootstrap files

ember g dnf-bootstrap install

Generate a navbar

ember g dnf-navbar main

Add {{nav-main}} to your application template

Add Google Analytics to your ember app

ember g dnf-google-anlaytics UA-111111-11

Add a favicon to your app

ember g dnf-favicon install

Add firebase to your app

ember g dnf-firebase your-app-name

if your app url is mywebapp.firebaseio.com then you would run ember g dnf-firebase mywebapp

Add user accounts to your app

ember g dnf-accounts install visit your app at http://localhost:4200/account and you should be able to signup/login/logout

Important: You should add firebase to your app first using the above instructions

Note: You might want to add this to your application route

  auth: Ember.inject.service(),

  beforeModel: function() {
    let session = this.get('session');
    return session.fetch().then(() => {
      return this.get('auth').setUser();
    }).catch((e) => {


  • blueprint for generating a footer
  • blueprint for adding google anlaytics
  • blueprint for generating a login form
  • blueprint for generating a signup form
  • get rid of ~un files (git will ignore them, it's only a problem in dev)