0.1.6 • Published 7 years ago

ember-doc-engine v0.1.6

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Last release
7 years ago


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ember-doc-engine is a documentation tool targeted at Ember add-on developers.

It uses YUIDoc to generate documentation JSON files and consumes it as an Ember engine. As such, ember-doc-engine is able to consume YUIDoc JSON files from other projects, and let you cross link between multiple projects.


ember install ember-doc-engine


Add a DOCS property to your add-on's config.

// config/environment.js
module.exports = function(environment/* , appConfig */) {
  const ENV = {
    modulePrefix: 'ember-doc-engine',
    environment: environment

  ENV.DOCS = {
    'ember': 'ember.json',
    'ember-doc-engine': 'ember-doc-engine.json'

  return ENV;

Add an entry to the DOCS property for each project that you like to link to your documentation. They key is the slug you'll be using for the project and the value is the url to the YUIDoc json file.

Don't forget to add your own project!

Lastly, you'll need to mount the docs engine in your app.

Router.map(function() {
  this.mount('ember-doc-engine', { resetNamespace: true, path: '/docs' });