ember-i18n-export v1.1.4
This npm package consolidates ember-i18n translation files into a single csv file, This is useful when sending translations to a translation department. This npm package also produce a separate file that contains meta data about translations such number of words and number of translation keys.
npm install ember-i18n-export
Run the following command from the root of your project:
ember-i18n-export <options>
By default the translations are looked up from the app/locales folder, you can override this by using the inputDir option.
ember-i18n-export --inputDir locale/translations
By default the translations are looked up from the translation.js file, you can override this by using the inputFile option.
ember-i18n-export --inputFile trans.js
By default the csv files are generated in the i18n-exports folder, you can override this by using the outputDir option:
ember-i18n-export --outputDir locale-translations
By default the csv file containing the consolidates translations is named translation.csv, you can override this by using the outputFile option:
ember-i18n-export --outputFile translations-export.csv
By default the csv file containing the meta data about the translations is named translation-meta.csv, you override this by using the outputMetaDataFile option:
ember-i18n-export --outputMetaDataFile translations-export-meta.csv
By default the csv file containing the journal information is named translation-updates-${timestamp}.csv, you can override this by using the journalFile option:
ember-i18n-export --journalFile translations-updates.csv
Show/hide deleted translations from the journal file. Defaults to false, you can override this by using the showDeletedInJournal option:
ember-i18n-export --showDeletedInJournal
Show/hide old translation value from the journal file. Defaults to false, you can override this by using the showOldValueInJournal option:
ember-i18n-export --showOldValueInJournal
By default the translationKey is displayed as the SYSTEM_KEY in csv file, you can override this by using the translationKeyColumnName:
ember-i18n-export --translationKeyColumnName TRANSLATION_KEY
By default each locale is represented by the locale column in the csv file, you override by using the localeColumnNames option:
ember-i18n-export --localeColumnNames {\"en\":\"English\",\"fr\":\"French\"}