0.1.1 • Published 9 years ago

ember-infinite-scroller v0.1.1

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9 years ago

Ember Infinite Scroller

Ember Infinite Scroller is a component that sits at the bottom of a page of content. It calls store.find to get more content and pushes the content into a model when a user scrolls to the bottom.


  • Install addon npm install ember-infinite-scroller --save-dev
  • Generate template and styles ember g infinite-scroller


Drop the infinite scroller component into any template. There is one required param: contextController. In most cases it will be this.

{{infinite-scroller contextController=this}}

Other parameters are optional.

  • limit default: 12
{{infinite-scroller contextController=this limit=30}}
  • beginInfinite default: true

Use beginInfinite to start or stop manually. For example:


<button {{action 'toggleBeginInfinite'}}>Begin</button>
{{infinite-scroller  contextController=this beginInfinite=beginInfinite}}


actions: {
  toggleBeginInfinite: function() {
  • content default: the content of the contextController

The content can be customized if the content of the infinite scroller is not the model of the controller.

{{infinite-scroller contextController=this content=otherModel}}
  • modelName default: the name of the model of the content

If the infinite scroller should query a different model than the content of the content, it can be overwritten.

For example, if the content model type is 'note' but the query should be for 'comment':

{{infinite-scroller contextController=this modelName='comment'}}
  • query default:
{model: this.get('modelName'), params: {}, callback: null}

The query has a required modelName and params and an optional callback.

{{infinite-scroller contextController=this query=query}}


query: function() {
  var query = {
    model: 'post',
    params: {published: true},
    callback: function(posts) {
      // do cool things with posts when they come back.
  return query;


The blueprint template comes with some handy features, including a yield that is displayed when the infinite scroller is out of content.

{{infinite-scroller contextController=this}}
  <span>No more content!</span>

It also includes a loading spnner When the scroller is fetching content, it displays a spinner. The default is an image, but you can customize the css to change the spinner.