0.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

ember-lenddo v0.0.1

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Last release
8 years ago


This addon allows you to add the lenddo button as a component for your ember-cli application. This addon implements a simple wrapper around the create button code script found Here:


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install

Add the following config to your environment.js files:

/* environment.js*/
ENV['lenddo'] = {
  partnerScriptId: '<The partnerScriptId that you get from the partners dashboard>',

If you are using ember-cli-content-security-policy, be sure to add the necessary domains as well, see below for an example:

ENV['contentSecurityPolicy'] = {
  'script-src':  "'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' authorize.partner-service.link partnerevents.lenddo.com",
  'connect-src': "'self' partnerevents.lenddo.com authorize.partner-service.link",
  'img-src':     "'self' data: authorize.partner-service.link",
  'style-src':   "'self' authorize.partner-service.link",


Inside a handlebars template, simply include the lenddo-button component:

{{ lenddo-button cientId=clientId verificationFields=verificationFields }}

There are various options that you can pass:

tooltipText displayed when hovering over the button.
nameblue_get_verifiedType of Lenddo button to be used. Possible options are: fb_button, blue_button, blue_get_verified, blue_green_button.
fb_redirectfalseetermines button behavior when clicked. Set to true to proceed directly to the Facebook login page; false to redirect to the Authorize landing page. Default is false.
textVerify with Verifi.MeCaption shown in the button.
modepopupForm submission behavior. Determines whether the Authorize process opens in a popup window (default) or redirects from the same page.

Note: Refer to the Lenddo documentation for more details on how the various values work as this is beyond the scope of this document.

The verificationFields should look something like:

verificationFields: {
  firstName: null,
  middleName: null,
  lastName: null,
  birthDate: null,
  email: null,
  employer: null,
  mobileNumber: null,
  university: null,

refer to https://partners.lenddo.com/create_button_code for details.


You can hook onto the onClick action if you want to be notified if the Lenddo button was clicked.

{{ lenddo-button cientId=clientId verificationFields=verificationFields onClick="someActionThatNeedsToBeCalled"}}

Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:testall to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.