0.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

ember-light-table-cell-type-multi-value v0.0.2

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Pass an array of values to your cell

This is an addon for ember-light-table. It adds the cell type multi-value, which enables you to specify an array of valuePaths instead of a single valuePath.


ember install ember-light-table-cell-type-multi-value


In your column definition, just replace valuePath with valuePaths, which can now be an array of paths. The value property passed to your cell will now be an array of values. Simple as that! :wink:

For maximized backwards compatibility, valuePaths may also be a string. In that case, you'll get a single value, not an array. If no valuePaths were specified, multi-value falls back to the default behavior of the base cell and attempts to read valuePath.

However, valuePath must be a String. This means no fancy multiple values in that case. This limitation and the need to use valuePaths instead of valuePath in the first place, stem from the fact that ember-light-table uses the {{get}} helper like so: {{get row valuePath}}

We might change that in the future.


function format(value) {
  return JSON.stringify(value);

export default Component.extends({
  columns: computed(function() {
    return [{
      label: 'First Name',
      valuePath: 'firstName', // fallback to `valuePath`
      cellType: 'multi-value',
    }, {
      label: 'Last Name',
      valuePaths: 'lastName', // singular string is also accepted
      cellType: 'multi-value',
    }, {
      label: 'Favorite colors',
      valuePaths: ['firstColor', 'secondColor', 'thirdColor']
      cellType: 'multi-value',
    }, {
      label: 'Youngest Siblings',
      valuePaths: ['siblings.youngestSister', 'siblings.youngestBrother']
      cellType: 'multi-value',

  rows: computed(function() {
    return [{
      firstName: 'Jan',
      lastName:  'Buschtöns',

      firstColor:  'pink',
      secondColor: 'green',
      thirdColor:  'blue',

      siblings: {
        youngestBrother: 'Robin'

  init() {

    const columns = get(this, 'columns');
    const rows = get(this, 'rows');
    set(this, 'table', new Table(columns, rows));
  <td>["pink", "green", "blue"]</td>
  <td>[null, "Robin"]</td>