0.4.1 • Published 6 years ago

ember-pausable-test v0.4.1

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Last release
6 years ago


This library provides a set of tools to pause async behavior in your tests to make it easier to assert intermediate state.



  • ember install ember-pausable-test

Acceptance Test

Suppose that we had a maybe-slow-loading route that rendered a loading template, with a model hook that looks like:

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

export default Route.extend({
  model({ id }) {
    return this.store.find('friends', id);

And, an acceptance test that looked something like this:

it('shows a friend', async function(assert) {

  // Where do we assert this!?!
  // assert.ok(find('.loading-spinner').length, 'loading screen visible!');

  await andThen(() => {});

  assert.ok(find('.friend-name').text().trim(), 'Steve');

If we were to uncomment the assert that checks for the loading spinner, it's possible that it has rendered by then; but not necessarily a guarantee. (This could lead to a flaky test!)

Instead, with this library, we can explicitly pause the model hook so we can test the loading state.

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import { pausable } from 'ember-pausable-test';

export default Route.extend({
  model({ id }) {
    const friend = this.store.find('friends', id);
    return pausable(friend, 'friend-promise');

And, in our test:

(note: You should always call reset() in the afterEach hook when using pauseOn)

import { pauseOn, reset } from 'ember-pausable-test/test-support';

moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | friend', {
  afterEach() {

it('shows a friend', async function(assert) {
  const { resume, awaitPause } = pauseOn('friend-promise');


  await awaitPause();

  assert.ok(find('.loading-spinner').length, 'loading screen visible!');


  await andThen(() => {});

  assert.ok(find('.friend-name').text().trim(), 'Steve');

With ember-concurrecncy

Let's imagine a component that, when it renders, it pushes items onto a list every second.

There are two things I'd like to think about when testing this component:

  • I want to test each step of the state as it changes
  • I want the test to run fast (no need to wait a second between each step)

The component may look something like this:

export default Component.extend({
  didInsertElement() {
    set(this, 'objects', A([]));
    get(this, 'myTask').perform();

  myTask: task(function *() {
    const objects = get(this, 'objects');
    const waitTime = testing ? 0 : 1000;
    let idx = -1;

    while (++idx < 5) {
      objects.pushObject({ name: `Step ${idx}` });
      yield timeout(waitTime);
  {{#each objects as |object|}}

By replacing the yield statement with...

yield pausable(timeout(waitTime), 'state-progressor');

...we can setup our integration test like this:

import { pauseOn } from 'ember-pausable-test/test-support';
import wait from 'ember-test-helpers/wait';

test('it renders each of the steps', async function(assert) {
  const { resume, awaitPause } = pauseOn('state-progressor');


  await awaitPause();
  assert.equal(this.$('ul > li').length, 1);

  await awaitPause();
  assert.equal(this.$('ul > li').length, 2);

  await awaitPause();
  assert.equal(this.$('ul > li').length, 3);

  await awaitPause();
  assert.equal(this.$('ul > li').length, 4);

  await wait();
  assert.equal(this.$('ul > li').length, 5);



  • pausable(yieldable: Any, tokenName: String) In a test environment and when a pauseOn is registered with the given tokenName, this method will return a promise that resolves when pauseOn(tokenName).resume() is called and resolves with the yieldable.

    In non-test environments, or when there is no pauseOn registered, this will return the yieldable directly.


  • pauseOn(tokenName: String) This regsiters a pause to happen when a corresponding pausable is reached in the code.

    This method returns a PauseToken.

  • PauseToken

    • resume() This will resolve the promise that is pausing the promise chain.

    • awaitPause() This returns a promise that will resolve the next time the corresponding pausable() block is hit.

    • throwException() This will cause the paused promise to reject, instead of resolve.


Experimental support for unwrappping/removing pausable() calls in non-test builds can be used by modifying your ember-cli-build.js file:

const app = new EmberApp({
  'ember-pausable-test': {
    strip: true



Running Tests

  • yarn test (Runs ember try:each to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.


  • ember release {--minor, --major, --patch}

6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago