0.5.1 • Published 6 months ago

ember-tasks v0.5.1

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Last release
6 months ago


Simple tasks abstraction for routing and beyond.


  • Ember.js v3.28 or above
  • Embroider or ember-auto-import v2


ember install ember-tasks


What is a task?

A task is a projection of an asynchronous process into a synchronous value. Simply put, it allows you to synchronously introspect the state of a promise:

import Task from 'ember-tasks';

async function loadSomeData() {
  /* ... */

let dataTask = Task.promise(loadSomeData());

// Note that there is no await here
dataTask.pending; // true
dataTask.resolved; // false
dataTask.rejected; // false
dataTask.value; // not resolved yet, it throws!

// ...later...
dataTask.pending; // false
dataTask.resolved; // true
dataTask.rejected; // false
dataTask.value; // "some data"

let anotherTask = Task.promise(loadSomeData());

// ...later...

// This time it didn't work out
anotherTask.pending; // false
anotherTask.resolved; // false
anotherTask.rejected; // true
anotherTask.reason; // SomeError

Because the task API is synchronous, this makes it a useful building block for rendering the result of an asynchronous process in templates:

  {{#if @myTask.resolved}}
    It worked:
  {{else if @myTask.pending}}
    Oops, sorry we ran into an issue.

The internal states of a task is fully reactive (i.e. @tracked), so your template will be updated accordingly when things change.

Running a task

Usually you don't just already have a promise lying around. You actively want to run some asynchronous code and expose that as a Task to consuming code:

import Task from "ember-tasks";

let task = Task.run(async () {
  // ...do stuff...

task.pending; // true

// ...later...
if (task.resolved) {
  console.log(`it worked: ${task.value}`);

Aborting a task

Sometimes it may be useful to abort a task early before it is completed. Tasks have an abort() method you can call in these situation:

let task = ...;

// ...later...

// Changed my mind!

While it is always safe to call abort() on a task, what exactly happens when you do that depends on a few different factors:

  • If the task is already settled (e.g. resolved), then nothing happens.
  • If the task is not an abortable task, then nothing happens.
  • Otherwise, the task may be transitioned into the "aborted" state.

The "aborted" state is an additional state unique to tasks, in addition to the standard "pending", "resolved", "rejected" state that promises have:

task.abort(new SomeError('...')); // reason argument is optional
task.pending; // false
task.resolved; // false
task.rejected; // false
task.aborted; // true
task.reason; // SomeError: ...

The "aborted" state mostly behaves the same as the "rejected" state, in that they both share a reason field that hosts the rejection/abort reason, which is usually, but not always, an Error object.

If a task can be successfully aborted, it will be reflected synchronously. That is, you will be able to observe that task.aborted === true without needing to await. Otherwise, it means that the task cannot be aborted.

Even when a task can be aborted, the only guarantee is that the task's internal state will be updated to reflect that it has been aborted, and for what reason.

Ultimately, it is up to the task code to decide how, if at all, to honor the request to abort. For example, if the task is to fetch() some remote data, there is no guarantee that the underlying fetch() request will be aborted. However, a task that has transitioned into the "aborted" state is considered settled, and will never transition into another state. So, even if "runaway" fetch() request has returned with the requested data, you will never observe that on the aborted task.

Writing an abortable task

The most convenient way to write an abortable task is to use async generator functions:

import Task from 'ember-tasks';

let task = Task.run(async function* () {
  try {
    await doSomeStuff();


    await doMoreStuff();
    await doEvenMoreStuffWithoutYielding();


    return 'done!';
  } finally {
    // optional cleanup code

This largely behaves the same way as your normal async function, with the additions of some yield points. Yield points allows you to voluntarily yield control to observe possible aborts. If the task has been aborted at that point, it will throw an error (the reason passed to abort()), allowing you to handle any necessary cleanup in a finally block.

Because you are in total control of when to insert these yield points, you can decide when is a good time to handle/observe aborts. For example, there may be groups of asynchronous operations that should be performed transactionally, by offering you the choice in when to insert yield points, you can guarantee that your code won't be interrupted in unexpected places.

In addition, you can also choose to insert yield points in between synchronous code blocks. Yield points have await undefined; semantics, i.e. it inserts a "micro task", so effectively yield points are a way to yield control back to the browser runtime to run some other code (rendering, event handlers, etc), some of which could make the decision to abort() your task.

Under the hood, aborts are communicated and coordinated via the AbortSignal API. We will cover that in more details later, but the basic API it provides is a aborted boolean property to indicate if the task has been aborted, and if so, a reason property.

The abort signal is provided to your callback as an argument. The example above is roughly equivalently to:

let task = Task.run(async (signal) => {
  try {
    await doSomeStuff();

    await undefined;
    if (signal.aborted) {
      throw signal.reason;

    await doMoreStuff();
    await doEvenMoreStuffWithoutYielding();

    await undefined;
    if (signal.aborted) {
      throw signal.reason;

    return 'done!';
  } finally {
    // optional cleanup code

There is no practical reason to write it this way over the generator version, but the signal argument serves two important purposes:

  1. If the task has reached a catch or finally block, it allows you to check if that was due to the task being aborted or if it's due to other unrelated errors.

  2. The signal can be threaded through other APIs that supports it, including fetch() and nested tasks.

To see this in action:

let task = Task.run(async (signal) => {
  try {
    // Pass the same AbortSignal to a fetch request. If the task is aborted,
    // the fetch() will be aborted as well.
    let response = await fetch('...', { signal });


    // Likewise, if this task is aborted, the nested task will be aborted too
    let nestedTask = Task.run(someTaskFunction, { signal });

    // We haven't seen this before, but Task has a promise property that turns
    // it back into a promise, exactly so we can do this. Here, assuming the
    // nestedTask resolves, then result === nestedTask.value
    let result = await nestedTask.promise;

    return doStuff(result);
  } catch (error) {
    if (signal.aborted) {
      // we are here because of an abort
    } else {
      // error is unrelated

The Task interface

type Task<T> = Pending<T> | Resolved<T> | Rejected<T> | Aborted<T>;

interface Pending<T> {
  state: 'pending';
  promise: Promise<T>;
  pending: true;
  settled: false;
  terminated: false;
  resolved: false;
  rejected: false;
  aborted: false;
  abort(reason?: unknown): void;
  throwIfTerminated(): void;

interface Resolved<T> {
  state: 'resolved';
  promise: Promise<T>;
  pending: false;
  settled: true;
  terminated: false;
  resolved: true;
  rejected: false;
  aborted: false;
  value: T;
  abort(reason?: unknown): void;
  throwIfTerminated(): void;

interface Rejected<T> {
  state: 'rejected';
  promise: Promise<T>;
  pending: false;
  settled: true;
  terminated: true;
  resolved: false;
  rejected: true;
  aborted: false;
  reason: unknown;
  abort(reason?: unknown): void;
  throwIfTerminated(): never;

interface Aborted<T> {
  state: 'aborted';
  promise: Promise<T>;
  pending: false;
  settled: true;
  terminated: true;
  resolved: false;
  rejected: false;
  aborted: true;
  reason: unknown;
  abort(reason?: unknown): void;
  throwIfTerminated(): never;

Other helpers


function pending<T>(): Task<T>;

Creates a "hung" task permanently stuck in the "pending" state.


function resolve<T>(value: T): Task<T>;

Creates a task settled into the "resolved" state with value.


function rejected<T>(reason?: unknown): Task<T>;

Creates a task settled into the "rejected" state with reason.


function abort<T>(reason?: unknown): Task<T>;

Creates a task settled into the "aborted" state with reason.


function promise<T>(promise: Promise<T>, options?: AbortOptions): Task<T>;

Project an existing promise into a task. The task will always synchronously start out in the "pending" state. See the section on AbortOptions for details on the options.


type Runnable<T> =
  | T
  | Promise<T>
  | Generator<void, T, void>
  | AsyncGenerator<void, T, void>;
type RunnableFunction<T> = (signal: AbortSignal) => Runnable<T>;
function run<T>(fn: RunnableFunction<T>, options?: AbortOptions): Task<T>;

Run a task function to completion. The task function will be called with an AbortSignal as argument. The task function can be a regular function (return the resolved value synchronously), an async function (returning a promise), a generator or asynchronous generator function. For generators, regardless of whether the generator is synchronous or not, yield points are always async.


type AbortOptions =
  | { abortable?: boolean; signal?: AbortSignal }
  | { controller?: AbortController };
  • abortable: By default, tasks created from Task.promise or Task.run are externally abortable. This means calling the abort() method on a pending task will transition it into the "aborted" state. This can be disabled by passing abortable: false.
  • signal: By default, tasks internally creates its own AbortSignal, but one can be passed in externally as well, which is useful when chaining/nesting related tasks. If the task is not externally abortable (abortable = false), then the signal will be passed on to the task function in Task.run. If the task is externally abortable (abortable = true, the default), a combined signal will be created that aborts when either abort() is called or when this external signal is aborted. In that case, the first aborted signal will become the reason for the abort.
  • controller: Alternatively, an AbortController can be passed directly, in which case, controller.signal will be used as the task's AbortSignal and passed on to the task function in Task.run, and abort() on the task will call controller.abort(), which aborts the associated signal and thus the task itself.

TypeScript support

This library is fully typed. Because Task<T> is defined as a union type, checking the boolean fields (e.g. pending, resolved) appropriately narrows its type for TypeScript. In addition, throwIfTerminated() can be used to conveniently re-throw the rejection or abort reason, but also narrows the type for TypeScript.

One caveat when using TypeScript is that the default export from the package refers to the constant value that has the Task.* helpers on it, not the Task<T> union type. For that reason, you may find it more convenient to just import the type Task and the individual helper functions directly:

import { type Task, run } from 'ember-tasks';

Relationship with Polaris routing

This library is intended to serve as a useful building block for handling loading states in Polaris routes.

Relationship with ember-concurrency

This library is heavily inspired by ember-concurrency.

  • Task is essentially a bare bones version of TaskInstance
  • ember-tasks decouples tasks from the class features, making it usable in any JavaScript context, not just within classes
  • ember-tasks decouples "task spawning"/"task scheduling" from the core concept of a task (those utilities can be provided later or separately)
  • Integration with AbortController/AbortSignal to provide a mechanism to explicitly link together related tasks
  • Another advancement of the status quo is the decoupling of await points and yield points for cooperative scheduling
  • Sidesteps the "canceled" vs "cancelled" debate :)

Relationship with ember-promise-helpers

Tasks, specifically Task.promise, essentially provides a version of the ember-promise-helpers helpers that are usable in any JavaScript context, not just in templates.

Relationship with ember-resources

Tasks are reactive in the sense that they its states properties are tracked, so it may be a useful type to return from within an ember-resource resource.

Relationship with TC39's "Explicit Resource Management" proposal

Tasks are conceptually resources in the context of this proposal, which is to say that tasks should have a [Symbol.dispose] property that calls the task's abort() method when the task object tracked with using goes out of scope.

This is not yet implemented as I am not sure how to do it "correctly" – whether the library should include a polyfill or expects the app to bring one, what TypeScript target to set and whether that impacts consuming apps, etc.

Once these issues are sorted out, this will be implemented, which allows for nicer tasks chaining/composition with the new using keyword.

Prior Art


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Initial development of this addon and proposal partially funded by Discourse.


6 months ago


6 months ago