emberplus v1.0.0
This is an implementation of Lawo's Ember+ control protocol for Node. One of Node's great strengths is the ready availability of frameworks for various communication protocols and user interfaces; this module allows those to be integrated with Ember+ somewhat more easily than the reference libember C++ implementation.
It is, at this point in time, still very much a work in progress. I am developing it primarily to control our instance of Virtual Patch Bay, which seems to make use of only a subset of of the Glow DTD. As such, I'm focusing on implementing the parts of the DTD that are necessary for my use case. Please consider this highly experimental code; any use in production environments is entirely at your own risk.
Basic trees of parameters should work. Streams aren't there yet, but shouldn't be too far off. Everything else is probably missing at this point (e.g. the newer matrix stuff).
Example usage
const DeviceTree = require('emberplus').DeviceTree;
var tree = new DeviceTree("localhost", 9998);
tree.on('ready', () => {
tree.getNodeByPath("EmberDevice/Sources/Monitor/Amplification").then((node) => {
// Subscribe to parameter changes
tree.subscribe(node, (node) => {
console.log("Volume changed: %d", node.contents.value);
// Change parameter value
tree.setValue(node, -20.0);
}).catch((e) => {
console.log("Failed to resolve node:", e);
8 years ago