2.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

emhugs v2.0.0

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7 years ago


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This project is porting hugs98 to emscripten.

All commands(hugs, runhugs and ffihugs) can execute on node-js.

At first, setup emscripten.

hugs-js needs emscripten not only to build hugs source codes but to use ffihugs.

A installation of emscripten is below.

> git clone https://github.com/juj/emsdk.git
> cud emsdk && ./emsdk install sdk-incoming-64bit
> cd emsdk && ./emsdk activate sdk-incoming-64bit
> source ./emsdk/emsdk_env.sh

How to build hugs-js from source code.

Just type make. After compilation, you can use ./bin/{runhugs,hugs,ffihugs}.

> make
> echo 'main = print 123' > test.hs
> ./bin/runhugs test.hs

How to install hugs-js as node-js module.

Install emhugs-package.

> npm install emhugs.

Next, make a interpreter object and initialize it. run function sends hugs-commands to it. The hugs-commands is the same as original hugs. See following codes.

var hugs = require('emhugs');
var Hugs = new hugs(); // Create a interpreter-object.
Hugs.init(); // Initialize interpreter.
Hugs.run('1+2'); // Run a hugs-command.
Hugs.run(':load sort.hs'); // Read haskell-code.
Hugs.run(':main');  // Call main-function of the code.