1.58.0 • Published 7 years ago

emp-player-receiver v1.58.0

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Last release
7 years ago

EMP Receiver documentation

The receiver is compliant with the default chromecast receiver API unless otherwise stated. For information on how to build a sender and other functionality not described here. See https://developers.google.com/cast/docs/sender_apps

Sender tutorials


Starting development

As a developer you need to add custom ui-logic to the receiver-app and customize index.html file. To build the code there are a few requirements

Unix-based systems

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli


npm install -g grunt-cli

To develop on the SDK, after cloning the repository you need to install the node.js modules using the node package manager

cd sdk
npm install

to build a local copy of the receiver

grunt dist|build // build command has debugging enabled by default.

to generate jsdoc documentation (generated in sdk/docs)

grunt jsdoc

then deploy the reference directory in any webserver and enjoy!

Grunt commands

Several grunt tasks are available for testing, development and distribution

grunt dev

builds the code and creates a local testing environment (on http://localhost:9999). Also watches the source code for any changes in /src and rebuilds when a change occurs

grunt watchAll

builds the code and creates a local testing environment (on http://localhost:9999). Also watches the source code for any changes in /src and /test and rebuilds when a change occurs

grunt dist

Creates packages available for distribution. in the /dist folder zipped archives can be found of the receiver. In addition to sources file ready for distribution.

Several simple grunt tasks are also available for use in specific cases

grunt jshint #ensures code is compliant with coding standards and warns for any coding issues
grunt jsdoc #creates documentation based on source code comments
grunt uglify #uglifys and minifys source
grunt connect #setup local testing environment (on http://localhost:9999).
grunt zip #creates a zip for distribution of the source
grunt copy #possible variations: build, dist, images. plugins

About the code

Javascript for the Receiver will be written using the new ES6 standard. Using grunt tasks this is then re-written to the ES5 standard where available. To learn more about Es6 see babel. To keep our code clean and separated, we uses Browserify. This allows us to use require statements to import javascript code from other files.

All of the above is done automatically using the grunt build system, but during development one should be aware of the power, and the limitations of both systems.

separate ui-logic

The Receiver has separate ui-logic and playback-logic. emp-receiver playback-logic is installed from a npm package. Run npm install to get all depending npm packages. As a developer you need to add custom ui-logic to the receiver-app and customize index.html file. Receiver-app should implement event listener for METADATA_UPDATED: fire when program changed, should be used to display title and images about the current program. STATE_CHANGED: fire when playback state changed, should be used to display play icon, buffer spinner etc. emp-receiver expose the inner emp-player, other playback event can be handle directly on the emp-player. Receiver-app.js and index.html are samples how to implement a custom emp-receiver.


The receiver makes use of emp-player.