0.6.0 • Published 9 years ago

empirical-angular-gulp-tasks v0.6.0

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9 years ago

Empirical Angular Gulp Tasks Build Status

The purpose of this repository is to have a central location for all of the gulp tasks and development dependencies in one place for Empirical Angular Apps.


The different gulp tasks are found in /tasks

##Installation Configuration

In your application you will need to add empirical-angular-gulp-tasks and gulp as dependencies.

#Save as a development dependency
npm install empirical-angular-gulp-tasks gulp -D


#Save as a production dependency
npm install empirical-angular-gulp-tasks gulp --save

Also install gulp as a global module.

npm install gulp -g

Once you have the module installed, add or edit a file named gulpconfig.js.

In that file, use the following as a guide:

var utilities = require('empirical-angular-gulp-tasks/utilities');

module.exports = {
  src: './src',
  assets: 'assets',
  assets_images: 'images',
  scripts: 'scripts',
  scripts_app: 'app',
  scripts_app_entry: 'app.module.js',
  scripts_app_vendors: 'vendors.js',
  scripts_config: utilities.config.getFile() || (utilities.env.getEnv() + '.config.json'),
  scripts_index: 'index.jade',
  scripts_app_output: 'app.js',
  scripts_app_output_partial: 'app*',
  scripts_vendors_output: 'vendors.js',
  scripts_vendors_output_partial: 'vendors*',
  styles: 'styles',
  styles_main: 'main.scss',
  styles_output: 'app',
  build: './build',
  dist: './dist',
  tmp: './.tmp',
  tmp_config_module: 'quill-grammar.config',
  tmp_config_output: 'config',
  tmp_templates_module: 'quill-grammar.templates',
  tmp_templates_output: 'templates.js',

Then add or edit gulpfile.js

'use strict';

var config = require('./gulpconfig');
var gulp = require('gulp');

require('empirical-angular-gulp-tasks').defineTasks(gulp, config);


Setting up these gulp tasks will give you:

  • gulp or gulp --env=development which will run your app on PORT 3000 and watch for file changes.
  • gulp --env=production will create a production build with in the ./dist folder by default.


Our gulp tasks module provides the idea of building the application in different environments.

We support two environments fully:

  • development
  • production

And staging partially

###Environment Specific Variables

We use gulp-ng-constant to inject environment specific variables into your application. Because we use browserify you can require the specific path the generated contants module from your application code.

Here is an example from Quill Grammar

In https://github.com/empirical-org/Quill-Grammar/tree/master/src/scripts/development.config.json we define a few variables:

  "environment": "development",
  "firebaseUrl": "https://quillgrammarstaging.firebaseio.com/",
  "empiricalBaseURL": "https://staging.quill.org/api/v1/",
  "portholeProxy": "https://staging.quill.org/porthole_proxy"

Then we require the generated module from our custom gulp process:

In quill-grammar/src/scrips/app/core/core.module.js:

  .module('quill-grammar.core', [
  .config(function ($analyticsProvider) {