emptylinesremover v1.0.3
Streaming Empty Lines Remover that aims for high speed of remove as well as compatibility with the all streaming modules in Node.js.
npm install emptyLinesRemover
can transform javascript streams (work with buffer)
and if data is strings (text, csv or other) (utf8) will be remove all empty
lines or empty lines contains spaces. Support text, csv and other formats,
created in Linux, Window and Mac systemes.
Simply instantiate txt
and pump a text file to it and get the new file without
unnecessary empty lines.
Let's say that you have a text file file1.txt
like this:
London is a capital
of Great Britain
You can parse it like this:
const EmptyLinesRemover = require('emptylinesremover');
const fs = require('fs');
.pipe(new EmptyLinesRemover())
In file2.txt you have this content without empty lines:
London is a capital
of Great Britain
The emptyLinesRemover constructor accepts the following options as well, but all options resends to the constructor stream.Transform (Look at Node.js documentation).
highWaterMark <number> Buffer level when stream.write() starts returning false.
Defaults to 16384 (16kb), or 16 for objectMode streams.
decodeStrings <boolean> Whether or not to decode strings into Buffers before
passing them to stream._write(). Defaults to true
objectMode <boolean> Whether or not the stream.write(anyObj) is a valid
operation. When set, it becomes possible to write JavaScript values other than
string, Buffer or Uint8Array if supported by the stream implementation.
Defaults to false
write <Function> Implementation for the stream._write() method.
writev <Function> Implementation for the stream._writev() method.
destroy <Function> Implementation for the stream._destroy() method.
final <Function> Implementation for the stream._final() method.