0.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

enapso-sparql-tools v0.0.2

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Last release
5 years ago


Generic SPARQL query generator for Node.js

This package is SPARQL 1.1 compliant. It is designed to run on all SPARQL 1.1 compliant databases. The following demos use the Enapso GraphDB client. Therefore, these examples require a running GraphDB 8.x instance on localhost at port 7200. The demos as well as the automated tests require a fully working Ontotext GraphDB repository "Test" and a user "Test" with the password "Test" being set up, which has read/write access to the "Test" Repository. Get the latest version of GraphDB for free at https://www.ontotext.com/free-graphdb-download-copy/.

This project is actively developed and maintained. To discuss questions and suggestions with the Enapso and GraphDB community, we'll be happy to meet you in our forum at https://www.innotrade.com/forum/.


npm i enapso-sparql-tools --save

Setting up the SPARQL endpoint

const EnapsoGraphDBClient = require('enapso-graphdb-client')
const config = require('./examples.config')

const { getClassSchemaMeta, getIndividualsMeta, buildSelectQuery } = require('../index')
const CLASS_IRI = 'http://ont.enapso.com/test#Person'
const NAMED_GRAPH = 'http://ont.enapso.com/test'

// the prefixes for all SPARQL queries
const PREFIXES = [
        "prefix": "et",
        "iri": "http://ont.enapso.com/test#"

// instantiate the GraphDB endpoint
var graphDBEndpoint = new EnapsoGraphDBClient.Endpoint({
    baseURL: config.GRAPHDB_BASE_URL,
    repository: config.GRAPHDB_REPOSITORY,
    prefixes: PREFIXES

Get Class Schema

try {
    // build the "class schema reader" header and triples
    const classSchemaMeta = getClassSchemaMeta(CLASS_IRI, NAMED_GRAPH)

    // build the class schema reader query
    let classSchemaQuery = buildSelectQuery(classSchemaMeta.headers, classSchemaMeta.triples)

    // log the query to the console
    console.log('\nQuery:\n' + classSchemaQuery);

    // perform the class reader query
    let queryResult = await graphDBEndpoint.query(classSchemaQuery)

    // transform the class reader query results to a convenient result set
    let result = graphDBEndpoint.transformBindingsToResultSet(queryResult, {
        // dropPrefixes: true
        // replacePrefixes: true
    // log the result to the console
    console.log('\nClass:\n' + JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
} catch (error) {
    console.error('\nClass:\n' + JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));

Generated Query

PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX et: <http://ont.enapso.com/test#>

SELECT ?node ?edge ?filler ?mapping ?min ?max ?some ?exactly
    GRAPH <http://ont.enapso.com/test> {    
        bind( <http://ont.enapso.com/test#Person> as ?node ) .
        ?node  (rdfs:subClassOf|(owl:intersectionOf/rdf:rest*/rdf:first))* ?restriction .
        filter (isBlank(?restriction))
        ?restriction  owl:onProperty ?edge . 
        ?restriction  (owl:onClass|owl:onDataRange|owl:someValuesFrom) ?filler .
        OPTIONAL { ?restriction owl:someValuesFrom ?some } .
        OPTIONAL { ?restriction owl:minQualifiedCardinality ?min } .
        OPTIONAL { ?restriction owl:qualifiedCardinality ?exactly } .
        OPTIONAL { ?restriction owl:maxQualifiedCardinality ?max } . 
        OPTIONAL {
            ?axiom owl:annotatedSource ?node .
            ?axiom a owl:Axiom .
            ?axiom owl:annotatedTarget ?restrictionAnnotation .
            ?restrictionAnnotation owl:onProperty ?edge . 
            ?restrictionAnnotation (owl:onClass|owl:onDataRange|owl:someValuesFrom) ?filler .
            OPTIONAL { ?restrictionAnnotation owl:someValuesFrom ?some } .
            OPTIONAL { ?restrictionAnnotation owl:minQualifiedCardinality ?min } .
            OPTIONAL { ?restrictionAnnotation owl:qualifiedCardinality ?exactly } .
            OPTIONAL { ?restrictionAnnotation owl:maxQualifiedCardinality ?max } .  
        BIND( IF( ?some != "" , concat("some_", str(?some) ), "") as ?restrictionType ) .
        BIND( IF( ?exactly > 0 , concat("exactly_",str(?exactly)), "") as ?restrictionType ) .
        BIND( IF( ?min > 0 , concat("min_",str(?min)), "") as ?restrictionType ) .
        BIND( IF( ?max > 0 , concat("max_",str(?max)), "") as ?restrictionType ) . 	 
LIMIT 1000