1.0.0 • Published 2 months ago

enfetch.js v1.0.0

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Last release
2 months ago


Enfetch is a lightweight, simple and flexible fetch wrapper for Javascript!

  • ➖ Direct access to methods
  • 💪 Flexible any method
  • 🎯 Directly response data
  • ⚙️ Configuration for the library
  • 🔣 Typification of the body and response data
  • ✅ Validation of the response data with zod


pnpm add enfetch.js

Alternatively, you can use your favorite package manager.

Getting Started

To use enfetch in your project, import it and create an instance of the Enfetch class:

import { Enfetch } from "enfetch.js";

const enfetch = new Enfetch();

Making HTTP requests

Enfetch provides easy-to-use methods to make HTTP requests. For example, to make a GET request:

const url = "[url]";

const response = await enfetch.get(url);

Similarly, you can use the post, put, delete and others methods for corresponding HTTP methods.

Custom Method

If you need to make an HTTP request with a custom method, you can use the any method:

const customMethod = "CUSTOM";
const url = "[url]";

const response = await enfetch.any(url, method);


You can modify default configuration values while creating the Enfetch instance:

const customConfig = {
  timeout: 5000,
  maxRetries: 5,
  retryDelay: 2000,

const enfetch = new Enfetch(customConfig);

The customConfig object allows you to set the timeout for requests, specify the number of maxRetries for failed requests, and set a retryDelay between retries.


Contributions are always welcome! Feel free to create issues following the rules in the CONTRIBUTING.md file!


Enfetch is released under the MIT License