1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

enhanced-checkbox-list v1.1.0

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4 years ago

Enhanced Checkbox Lists

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Accessibly enhancing checkbox lists with filtering, toggling, select-all, and keyboard shortcuts

Try out the examples

Installation / usage

Grab from NPM and use in a module system:

npm install enhanced-checkbox-list
import EnhancedCheckboxList from 'enhanced-checkbox-list';
new EnhancedCheckboxList(document.getElementById('list'), options);

Or grab the minified JavaScript from unpkg:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/enhanced-checkbox-list"></script>

I would encourage you to use your own styling to match your site or application's design. An example stylesheet is included in the dist directory however which you can copy into your project and import into the browser.


     * generate an input to allow filtering the list
    filterable: boolean = true;

     * delay after typing in the filter input before filtering (to allow for fast typers)
    filterDelay: number = 300;

     * selector above checkbox to determine which element to show/hide after filtering
    itemSelector: string = `li`;

     * allow toggling visibility by generate a toggle button
    togglable: boolean = true;

     * if togglable, close when clicking or blurring outside of the container/button
    autoClose: boolean = false;

     * if togglable, determines initial visibility
    visible: boolean = false;

     * text to use for the toggle button
    toggleButtonText: string | ((listLabel: string, checkedCount: number) => string) =
        (listLabel, checkedCount) => `${listLabel} (${checkedCount})`;

     * include a custom select all control;
     * this has to be a custom element due to issues with updating
     * the indeterminate state on native checkboxes in many browsers
    selectAllControl: boolean = true;

     * text for select all control
    selectAllText: string = `Select all`;

     * if keyboard focus is on a checkbox, allow: home, end, pageup, and pagedown shortcuts
     * to move to first, last, -10, or +10 checkbox respectively;
     * and escape key to close the wrapper if togglable
    keyboardShortcuts: boolean = true;

     * the index modifier for the pageup shortcut,
     * e.g. if on the 15th checkbox, use pageup to go to the 5th
    pageUpModifier: number = -10;

     * the index modifier for the pagedown shortcut,
     * e.g. if on the 5th checkbox, use pagedown to go to the 15th
    pageDownModifier: number = 10;

     * selector to use when finding the checkboxes in the list
    checkboxSelector: string = `input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]`;

     * control the tabindex added to custom elements generated by the module
     * in case your checkbox list sits at a certain point in the page's tabbing order
    tabindex: number | string = `0`;

     * string to prepend to classes for BEM naming
     * e.g. enhanced-checkbox-list__wrapper
    cssNameSpace: string = `enhanced-checkbox-list`;

     * custom class name to add to the filter text input
    filterClassName: string;

     * custom class name to add to the toggle button
    toggleClassName: string;

     * custom class name to add to the component wrapper
    wrapperClassName: string;

     * label for the checkbox list - used for the toggle button text and
     * the label for the filter input; if not provided, the module will search for one
     * using aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes, or looking for a parent fieldset's legend
    listLabel: string;

     * screen reader text added to list wrapper advising shortcut to close the wrapper
     * (if toggling enabled)
    srEscapeToCloseText: string = `Esc to close`;

     * screen reader text added to filter field advising shortcut to clear filter value
     * (if filtering enabled)
    srEscapeToClearText: string = `Esc to clear`;

     * screen reader text used for label explaining the search/filter input;
     * combines with listLabel if available e.g. "filter departments"
    srFilterText: string = `filter`;

     * partial screen reader text used in message after filtering e.g. "12 found, 3 selected"
    srFoundText: string = `found`;

     * partial screen reader text used in message after filtering e.g. "12 found, 3 selected"
    srSelectedText: string = `selected`;

     * callback after a filter has run
    onFilter: () => void;

     * callback once ready
    onReady: () => void;

     * callback when the list is toggled visible
    onShow: () => void;

     * callback when the list is toggled hidden
    onHide: () => void;