0.2.5 • Published 5 years ago

enigma-p2p v0.2.5

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5 years ago


The Enigma Worker P2P package written in Node.js based on libp2p-js

The P2P implementation of the Enigma Worker. This implementation is part of the Node stack running as a process on the OS communicating both with Core and the outside world.

BranchBuildCode Coverage
MasterBuild Statuscodecov
DevelopBuild Statuscodecov

Table of Contents

Getting Started



Until this module is not in npmjs.com:

git clone this repository

If running with Docker

cd into the project directory and type:

docker build .

To run later, save the final build hash or give it a name.

To run the node inside a container from the project directory type:

 docker run -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -ti --net="host" <image-build-id> /bin/bash

Installing globally with nvm

  1. install nvm
  2. install some node version : $nvm install 10.16
  3. type npm install -g enigma-p2p
  4. to run global type : enigma-p2p-test <flags>

Incase of missing modules such as connect and tempdir install them in the same way.

npm install -g <missing module name>

Running the Node

Currently the node is started based on a command line interface. The node can be start from a single configuration file:


For usage example of single-config see unit-test.

Or with default configuration and CLI flags.


cd ./src/cli

For help and list of flags:

$node cli_app.js -h

For the run-time commands the node can do:

While already running type help to see a list of all the available commands.


  1. launch a Bootstrap node:
node cli_app.js -i B1 -b B1 -p B1 --core --proxy 3346 --random-db --mock-core
  1. launch a regular worker node that will connect to the bootstrap:
node cli_app.js -b B1 --core --random-db --mock-core
  1. launch ANOTHER regular worker node that will connect to the bootstrap:
node cli_app.js -b B1 --core --random-db --mock-core

In this example:

--core <ip>:<port> enigma-core uri. In this example we will be using a core simulation.

--mock-core <ip>:<port> launch a core simulation.

--proxy <port> will start up the JSONrpc server as well.

--random-db is a must to generate a temporary database for the task management during testing.

-b flag for the bootstrap node, B1 is hard-coded for testing.

-i load specific node id from a hardcoded path.

-p run on a specific port since the bootstrap node is the first node everyone will connect to.

Running the tests

Tests are based on Mocha and can invoked by typing:

$npm test


The api for interacting with a proxy node.

Usage example:

  1. Start a bootstrap node which is also a Proxy
node cli_app.js -i B1 -b B1 -p B1 --core --proxy 3346 --random-db 
  1. start a regular worker that is NOT a proxy
node cli_app.js -b B1 --core --random-db
  1. IMPORTANT: assuming the worker from #2 is the selected one type selfSubscribe in the CLI so that the worker will subscribe to its own sign key. The key will be printed to std, copy it:

   [Wed Mar 27 2019 17:41:06 GMT+0200 (Israel Standard Time)] DEBUG subscribed to [0xd71c1bccb4b238cea332201bab1cd0fa70bec080] self signKey
  1. user wanting to call getWorkerEncryptionKey with curl see example and use the key from step 3 as the workerAddress parameter.

Built With


If you wish to learn more about the project and contribute make sure to checkout:

  1. On boarding guide
  2. In depth design



The Enigma Worker P2P is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.