0.1.0 • Published 10 months ago

ens_bedrock_resolver v0.1.0

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10 months ago


This repository contains an app specific handler allowing to store ENS records on Optimism. This repository contains contract that have to be deployed on Optimism and Ethereum aswell as a Gateway to resolve CCIP request. Everything is configured already so in order to set it up you just have to follow the config Setup section


The L2PublicResolver is a Smart Contract derived from the ENS PublicResolver implementation. The functionality for setting records remains consistent with the original implementation. However, when retrieving a record, the caller is required to provide context, specifically the address of the record as per the ENS registry.

This feature empowers record owners to securely set their records without needing direct access to the ENS Registry contract deployed on the Ethereum mainnet. By incorporating this mechanism, record owners can confidently manage their records in a trustless manner on Layer 2 solutions.


The L2PublicResolver introduces a novel approach to record management by utilizing an arbitrary bytes string called "context" to define the namespace to which a record belongs. Specifically, in the context of the L2PublicResolver, this "context" refers to the address of the entity that has set a particular record.

This allows for a more flexible and secure record-setting process, enabling record owners to establish records within their respective namespaces without direct access to the ENS Registry contract on the Ethereum mainnet. By associating records with specific addresses, users can confidently manage their records in a trustless manner on Layer 2 solutions.

Set record

The following example shows how a record can be set. Note that the contract will store both records regardless of them being dedicated to the same domain address and key.

This behavior varies from the original PublicResolver implementation, which would revert if msg.sender is not the owner.

address owner = 0x1;
address rando = 0x2

//Called by 0x1

//Called by 0x2

Read record

When retrieving the record from L2, the context field includes the owner's address according to the ENS registry. This makes it possible to get the right value back from the resolver.

bytes memory owner = 0x1;

bytes memory value = L2Publicresolver.text(owner,"alice.eth","my-key","foo");

//value ==foo


The L2PublicResolver supports the following profiles

  • address
  • text
  • abi
  • contentHash
  • dns
  • name

Setup Gateway


  1. Clone the repo git clone git@github.com:corpus-io/ENS-Bedrock-Resolver.git
  2. run yarn install
  3. Create an Env file using cp env.example .env

Prepare environment

To deploy a new contract or run a script that sets a verifier on L1 (Layer 1), you'll need to provide a DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY to sign your transactions.

If you want to use Hardhat validation, you can also provide an OPTIMISTIC_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY. This API key enables Hardhat to validate transactions using Etherscan.

To run the gateway, you'll need to provide the following information:

  • L2_RESOLVER_ADDRESS: This address represents the Resolver used by the gateway to resolve requested records.
  • L1_PROVIDER_URL: The RPC provider address for L1 (Layer 1).
  • L2_PROVIDER_URL: The RPC provider address for L2 (Layer 2).

Make sure you have the necessary DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY, OPTIMISTIC_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY, L2_RESOLVER_ADDRESS, L1_PROVIDER_URL, and L2_PROVIDER_URL when deploying a contract, running a script, or running the gateway.

Setup Resolver

To use the ENS-Bedrock-Resolver for your ENS name, you need to complete 2 transactions on the mainnet to set it up.

  1. Set the CCIP-Resolver contract as your resolver:
  • You can either use the ENS Frontend or the script setCcipResolver.ts.
  • When using the script, replace the ENS_NAME constant with your ENS name and run the following command:
      npx hardhat run ./scripts/setCcipResolver.ts --network goerli
  1. Deploy a L2PublicResolverContract

This step may be omitted when using an instance already deployed. You can find their address in the deployments section. If you decide to deploy a new instance of the L2PublicResolver, you have to deploy a new L2PublicResolverContract as well.

  • Currently, there is no Frontend available to do this directly.
  • You can use the script setVerifierForDomain.ts to perform the transaction.
  • Adjust the script by specifying the l2 Contract you want to store your data, and then run the following command: npx hardhat run ./deploy/L1/01_L2Public_Resolver_Verifier.ts --network goerli
  1. Set the BedrockCcipVerifier and the gateway URL for your ENS name:
  • Currently, there is no Frontend available to do this directly.
  • You can use the script setVerifierForDomain.ts to perform the transaction.
  • Adjust the script by specifying your ENS name and URL, and then run the following command:
      npx hardhat run ./scripts/setVerifierForDomain.ts --network goerli

Please make sure to replace ENS_NAME with your actual ENS name and adjust the URL accordingly. When running the scripts, specify the correct network (goerli in this example).

By following these steps, you'll successfully set up the ENS-Bedrock-Resolver for your ENS name.

Setup Gateway

To run a gateway perform the following steps

  1. Deploy and L2PublicResolver or use an instance already deployed
  2. Create a .env file and copy the content of env.example. If you want to use an instance already deployed you can omit DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY and OPTIMISTIC_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
  3. Run yarn start



CCIP Resolver : 0x49e0AeC78ec0dF50852E99116E524a43bE91B789

L2PublicResolverVerifier : 0x67AfD6d796d9212541016A2D10b28CC55021Cade

Optimsim Goerli

L2PublicResolver: 0x39Dc8A3A607970FA9F417D284E958D4cA69296C8