1.0.0 • Published 9 years ago
enumerate-array v1.0.0
Node utility that clones an Array and wraps it in a Java-like Enumeration interface.
var enumerateArray = require("enumerate-array")
var enumeration = enumerateArray(["foo", "bar", "baz"])
That enumeration has the following methods:
.hasNext() // returns a Boolean showing whether the enumeration has more elements
.next() // remove the next element from the enumeration, and return it
.toArray() // clone the enumeration's internal array, and return it
.toString() // return the internal array's .toString()
Here we loop through an array, while-style.
var enumerateArray = require("enumerate-array")
var greenIceCreamsArray = ["pistachio", "mink chocolate chip", "green tea"]
var greenIceCreamsEnumeration = enumerateArray(greenIceCreamsArray)
while ( greenIceCreamsEnumeration.hasNext() ) {
console.log( greenIceCreamsEnumeration.next() )
// -> "pistachio"
// -> "mink chocolate chip"
// -> "green tea"
console.log(greenIceCreamsArray) // the original array is unchanged
// -> [ 'pistachio', 'mink chocolate chip', 'green tea' ]
We can also get a copy of the enumeration as an array, minus the elements we used.
var coolNumbersArray = [2.71828, 3.14159, 42, 451, 1984, 9001, 8675309]
var coolNumbersEnumeration = enumerateArray(coolNumbersArray)
console.log( coolNumbersEnumeration.next() )
// -> 2.71828
console.log( coolNumbersEnumeration.next() )
// -> 3.14159
console.log( coolNumbersEnumeration.toArray() )
// -> [ 42, 451, 1984, 9001, 8675309 ]
console.log( coolNumbersEnumeration.next() )
// -> 42
9 years ago