1.1.0 • Published 9 years ago

env-to-object v1.1.0

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9 years ago

Environment Variables

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Maps environment variables to a configuration object.


$ npm install env-to-object


var env = require( 'env-to-object' );

env( map, options )

Maps environment variables to a configuration object.

var map = {
	'NODE_ENV': {
		'keypath': 'env',
		'type': 'string'
	'PORT': {
		'keypath': 'server.port',
		'type': 'number'
	'SSL': {
		'keypath': 'server.ssl',
		'type': 'boolean'
		'keypath': 'logger.level',
		'type': 'string'

var out = env( map );
		'env': <string>,
		'server': {
			'port': <number>,
			'ssl': <boolean>
		'logger': {
			'level': <string>

An environment variable mapping must include a keypath, which is a dot-delimited object path. By default, this module parses an environment variable value as a string. The following types are supported:

The function accepts the following options:

  • parsers: an object containing environment variable parsers. Each key should correspond to a defined type, and each value should be a function which accepts an environment variable value and any associated options.

    var map = {
    	'CUSTOM_TYPE': {
    		'keypath': 'custom',
    		'type': 'custom',
    		... // => options
    var parsers = {
    	'custom': custom
    function custom( str, opts ) {
    	var v = parseInt( str, 10 );
    	if ( v !== v ) {
    		return new TypeError( 'invalid value. Value must be an integer. Value: `' + str + '`.' );
    	return v * 6;
    process.env[ 'CUSTOM_TYPE' ] = '5';
    var out = env( map, parsers );
    		'custom': 30



(default) Coerce an environment variable value to a string.

var map = {
	'STR': {
		'keypath': 'str',
		'type': 'string'

process.env[ 'STR' ] = 'beep';
var out = env( map );
		'str': 'beep'

process.env[ 'STR' ] = '1234';
var out = env( map );
		'str': '1234'



Coerce an environment variable value to a number.

var map = {
	'NUM': {
		'keypath': 'num',
		'type': 'number'

process.env[ 'NUM' ] = '3.14';
var out = env( map );
		'num': 3.14

process.env[ 'NUM' ] = 'bop';
var out = env( map );
// => throws



Coerce an environment variable value to an integer.

var map = {
	'INT': {
		'keypath': 'int',
		'type': 'integer'

process.env[ 'INT' ] = '2';
var out = env( map );
		'int': 2

process.env[ 'INT' ] = 'beep';
var out = env( map );
// => throws

The integer type has the following options:

  • radix: an integer on the interval [2,36].

    var map = {
    	'INT': {
    		'keypath': 'int',
    		'type': 'integer',
    		'radix': 2
    process.env[ 'INT' ] = '1';
    var out = env( map );
    		'int': 1
    process.env[ 'INT' ] = '2';
    var out = env( map );
    // => throws



Coerce an environment variable value to a boolean. The boolean type supports the following options:

  • strict: boolean indicating whether to accept only 'true' and 'false' as acceptable boolean strings. Default: false.

In non-strict mode, the following values are supported:

  • TRUE, True, true, T, t
  • FALSE, False, false, F, f
var map = {
	'BOOL': {
		'keypath': 'bool',
		'type': 'boolean'

process.env[ 'BOOL' ] = 'TRUE';
var out = env( map );
		'bool': true

process.env[ 'BOOL' ] = 'beep';
var out = env( map );
// => throws

To restrict the set of allowed values, set the strict option to true.

var map = {
	'BOOL': {
		'keypath': 'bool',
		'type': 'boolean',
		'strict': true

process.env[ 'BOOL' ] = 'false';
var out = env( map );
		'bool': false

process.env[ 'BOOL' ] = 'TRUE';
var out = env( map );
// => throws



Parse an environment variable value as a JSON object. Note that a value must be valid JSON.

var map = {
	'OBJ': {
		'keypath': 'obj',
		'type': 'object'

process.env[ 'OBJ' ] = '{"beep":"boop"}';
var out = env( map );
		'obj': {
			'beep': 'boop'

process.env[ 'OBJ' ] = '[1,2,3,"4",null]';
var out = env( map );
		'obj': [ 1, 2, 3, '4', null ]

process.env[ 'OBJ' ] = '{"beep:"boop"}';
var out = env( map );
// => throws



Coerce an environment variable to a Date object.

var map = {
	'DATE': {
		'keypath': 'date',
		'type': 'date'

process.env[ 'DATE' ] = '2015-10-17';
var out = env( map );
		'date': <Date>

process.env[ 'DATE' ] = 'beep';
var out = env( map );
// => throws



Parse an environment variable as a RegExp.

var map = {
	'REGEXP': {
		'keypath': 're',
		'type': 'regexp'

process.env[ 'RE' ] = '/\\w+/';
var out = env( map );
		're': /\w+/

process.env[ 'RE' ] = 'beep';
var out = env( map );
// => throws


  • If an environment variable does not exist, the corresponding configuration keypath will not exist in the output object.

    var map = {
    	'UNSET_ENV_VAR': {
    		'keypath': 'a.b.c'
    var out = env( map );
    // returns {}


var env = require( 'env-to-object' );

var map = {
		'keypath': 'default'
	'STR': {
		'keypath': 'str',
		'type': 'string'
	'NUM': {
		'keypath': 'num',
		'type': 'number'
	'BOOL': {
		'keypath': 'bool',
		'type': 'boolean',
		'strict': true
	'ARR': {
		'keypath': 'arr',
		'type': 'object'
	'NESTED': {
		'keypath': 'a.b.c.d',
		'type': 'object'
	"DATE": {
		"keypath": "date",
		"type": "date"
	"REGEX": {
		"keypath": "re",
		"type": "regexp"
	"INT": {
		"keypath": "int",
		"type": "integer"

process.env[ 'DEFAULT' ] = 'beep';
process.env[ 'STR' ] = 'boop';
process.env[ 'NUM' ] = '1234.5';
process.env[ 'BOOL' ] = 'true';
process.env[ 'ARR' ] = '[1,2,3,4]';
process.env[ 'NESTED' ] = '{"hello":"world"}';
process.env[ 'DATE' ] = '2015-10-18T07:00:01.000Z';
process.env[ 'REGEX'] = '/\\w+/';
process.env[ 'INT' ] = '1234';

var out = env( map );
		'default': 'beep',
		'str': 'boop',
		'num': 1234.5,
		'bool': true,
		'arr': [1,2,3,4],
		'a': {
			'b': {
				'c': {
					'd': {
						'hello': 'world'
		'date': <date>,
		're': /\w+/,
		'int': 1234

To run the example code from the top-level application directory,

$ node ./examples/index.js

or, alternatively,

$ DEFAULT=boop STR=beep NUM='5432.1' BOOL='false' ARR='[4,3,2,1]' NESTED='{"world":"hello"}' DATE='2015-10-19T06:59:59.000Z' REGEX='/\\.+/' node ./examples/index.js



Unit tests use the Mocha test framework with Chai assertions. To run the tests, execute the following command in the top-level application directory:

$ make test

All new feature development should have corresponding unit tests to validate correct functionality.

Test Coverage

This repository uses Istanbul as its code coverage tool. To generate a test coverage report, execute the following command in the top-level application directory:

$ make test-cov

Istanbul creates a ./reports/coverage directory. To access an HTML version of the report,

$ make view-cov


MIT license.


Copyright © 2015. Athan Reines.