0.0.11 • Published 3 years ago
env2yaml v0.0.11
Command line to store environment variables in yaml file
npm i -g env2yaml
$ env2yaml [VARIABLES]
VARIABLES Comma-separated list of variables to output
-h, --help show CLI help
-o, --output=output [default: env.yaml] Output file
-v, --version show CLI version
generation of yaml files with values from package.json
another way of calling it is via npx. THe difference here - you can have here values from package.json. Just for example, command like
$ npx env2yaml npm_package_name,npm_package_version
creates me a file like this:
npm_package_name: env2yaml
npm_package_version: 0.0.8
then later on I can use it for example to generate other yaml files:
repository: docker.com/projects/{{.Values.npm_package_name}}
tag: v{{.Values.npm_package_version}}
helm template ./chart -f env.yaml > application.yaml