2.2.0 • Published 2 years ago
environment-safe-canvas v2.2.0
There's a great node canvas and a great browser canvas, but there's not a great way to write 1 script that works in the browser and in node. This sorts out the rough edges.
import { Canvas } from 'environment-safe-canvas/environment-safe-canvas.mjs';
const { Canvas } = require('environment-safe-canvas/environment-safe-canvas.js');
const myCanvas = new Canvas({ height: 200, width: 200 });
// use canvas
when you run in the browser(without a build), you'll need your head to have:
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"chai": "/node_modules/chai/chai.js",
"environment-safe-chai": "/node_modules/environment-safe-chai/environment-safe-chai.mjs",
"module": "/node_modules/browser-or-node/src/index.js",
"file-saver": "/file-saver.js",
"browser-or-node": "/node_modules/browser-or-node/src/index.js"
Nonstandard Methods
Canvas.save(location, canvas);
Canvas.load(location, canvas)
npm run test
To run the same in a browser
npm run browser-test
To run the same in a container
npm run container-test