2.0.5 • Published 4 years ago

environment-variable v2.0.5

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4 years ago

####This module helps you to control your environment variables in one place.

#####Run npm install --save environment-variable to install the package.

###!!! Warning #####If you are using objects or arrays as a value to your variable then use .get('NAME_OF_YOUR_OBJECT_VARIABLE') method to access your objects and arrays or use JSON.parse(process.env['NAME_OF_YOUR_OBJECT_VARIABLE']). #####IF the type of your variable is primitive string, number then you can just use process.env['NAME_OF_YOUR_VARIABLE'] or .get('NAME_OF_YOUR_VARIABLE')

####Instructions below show you how to use this module in your project.

  1. create a env.json file in your root folder(the folder that includes your package.json file) or you can pass an object as a first argument to init() method of the module
  2. include the module in your main js file.
  3. call the init() method of the module to initialize your variables. #####and everything is done. Now you can access your variables

####Here is an example of creating an env.json file in your root folder

#####Imaginary Root folder

	index.js		// main js file

#####env.json file env.json file should be in your root folder then this package can find it automatically.

		"PORT": 3000,
		"USER": "simpleUser",
		"DB": {
			"DB_PASSWORD": "masterkey"

#####main js file index.js file

	const env = require('environment-variable');
	console.log(process.env.PORT);		// or you can use env.get(nameOfYourVariableInStringFormat)
	// logs 3000 to your console.

	console.log(app.get("DB").DB_USER); 	// or you can use JSON.parse(process.env.DB).DB_USER
	// logs SYSDBA to your console.

####Here is an example of passing an object as a first argument to .init() method.

#####main js file here, it is an index.js file

	const env = require('environment-variable');
		PORT: 3000,
		USER: "simpleUser",
		DB: {
			DB_PASSWORD: "masterkey"
		arr: [1, 2, 'a', 'b', {name: "simpleName", newArr: [1, 2, 3, {nested: ["first", "second"]}]}]
	console.log(process.env.PORT);		// or you can use env.get(nameOfYourVariableInStringFormat)
	// logs 3000 to your console.

	console.log(app.get("DB").DB_USER); 	// or you can use JSON.parse(process.env.DB).DB_USER
	// logs SYSDBA to your console.

####Here is an example of using an optional json file. creating a json file that's name is different than env.json. e.g. var.json

#####Imaginary Root folder

		optional.json		//this is an optional json file that you can use in your app insted of env.json file
	index.js				// main js file

#####optional.js file you will use this file insted of env.json file.

		"PORT": 5000,
		"USER": "simpleUser",
		"DB": {
			"DB_PASSWORD": "masterkey"

#####main js file index.js file.

	const env = require('environment-variable');
	const optionalFile = require('./config/optional.json');
	env.init(optionalFile);		// you have to pass the your optional.json file. If you don't pass an argument, env.json file will be used automatically.
	console.log(process.env.PORT);		// or you can use env.get(nameOfYourVariableInStringFormat)
	// logs 5000 to your console.

	console.log(app.get("DB").DB_USER); 	// or you can use JSON.parse(process.env.DB).DB_USER
	// logs SYSDBA to your console.

####Here is a list of all methods of this module.

init()Initializes your variables. Calling this method is important. Call this method before accessing your variables.
get(nameOfYourVariableInStringFormat)You can use both .get(nameOfYourVariableInStringFormat) or process.envnameOfYourVariableInStringFormat.
set(nameOfYourVariableInStringFormat, valueOfYourVariable)If you want to set a property for process.env object. You can use both .set(key, value) or process.envkey = value.

###Information about methods

####init([optional argument]) accepts an argument

#####.init() method should be called before accessing any of your variables. Calling this method initializes your variables.

example of usage
	const env = require('environment-variable');

####get([nameOfYourVariable]) accepts an argument

####.get("variableName") method helps you to access your variables. Type of the variable doesn't matter. ####If type of the variable that you are accessing is an Object or an Array. then .get("NAME_OF_YOUR_OBJECT_VARIABLE") === JSON.parse(process.env["NAME_OF_YOUR_OBJECT_VARIABLE"]) ####It means. If you want to access a variable that's type is not a primitive then you should use .get() method to do less and achieve more.

#####But you can still use process.env['variableName']. If type of the variable is an object or an array, you have to call JSON.parse(process.env['variableName']). #####Using .get() is recommended.

####.get() returns the original data type.

#####example of usage

	const env = require('environment-variable');
		PORT: 3000,
		DB: {
			DB_PASSWORD: "masterkey"
	const PORT = env.get("PORT");			// env.get("PORT") is an equivalent to process.env.PORT
	const DB = env.get("DB")				// env.get("DB") is an equivalent to JSON.parse(process.env.DB)

####set(key, value) acceps two arguments

#####.set(key, value) method helps you to initialize your arbitrary variables. If value of your variable is an object or an array use this method. And this method adds your variables to process.env. #####You can also use process.env['variableName'] = "value". If type of the variable is an object or an array, you have to use process.env['variableName'] = JSON.stringify({PORT: 3000, NESTED_DATA: {age: 5}}).

Here is an example
	const env = require('environment-variable');
	env.set("PORT", 3000);					// env.set("PORT", 3000) is an equivalent to process.env.PORT = 3000
	env.set("DB", {
		DB_PASSWORD: "masterkey"
	})						//env.set("DB", { DB_USER: "SYSDBA", DB_PASSWORD: "masterkey"})	is an equivalent to process.env.DB = JSON.stringify({ DB_USER: "SYSDBA", DB_PASSWORD: "masterkey"})

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