0.1.1 • Published 4 years ago

envone-ui v0.1.1

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Last release
4 years ago


Dashboard to review your application's runtime environment variables.

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# with npm
npm install envone-ui

# or with Yarn
yarn add envone-ui


1. Custom usage

const app = express(); // create express server
const envOneUI = require('envone-ui'); // import envone-ui

// Configure envOneApi
    include: ['SERVER_URL', 'DB_USERNAME', 'DB_PASSWORD'],
    secrets: ['DB_PASSWORD'],
    isAuthRequired: true,

2. Use with EnvOne or Dotenv

  1. Configure EnvOne properly with your Node.js application to load environment variables from .env.config file, or configure Dotenv to loan environment variables from .env.

    // Configure EnvOne
    const configuredEnv = require('envone').config();
    // Or configure Dotenv
    const configuredEnv = require('dotenv').config();
  2. Pass the configured output from envone or dotenv as a parameter to EnvOne-UI initialization method.

    const app = express(); // create express server
    const envOneUI = require('envone-ui'); // import envone-ui
  3. If you want to add custom configurations to EnvOne-UI, you can use configure method,

    const app = express(); // create express serverenvone
    const envOneUI = require('envone-ui'); // import envone-ui
    // Configure envOneApi
        include: ['ENV'],
        secrets: ['DB_PASSWORD'],
        exclude: ['ANALYTICS_URL'],
        isAuthRequired: true,
        configOutput: configuredEnv

    Note: If you properly configured .env.config for secrets, you can avoid secrets configuration here. It fetches necessary configurations from the EnvOne config output.

Example Projects

  1. Configured EnvOne-UI with EnvOne
  2. Configured EnvOne-UI with Dotenv


PropertyValue TypeDefault valueDescription
includeArray Environment keys to be included in the EnvOne-UI
excludeArray Environment keys to be excluded from the EnvOne-UI
secretsArray Environment keys to be indicated as secrets - these values will be partially hidden with * character
isAuthRequiredBooleantrueDoes Authorization require to access environment dashboard or not
authorizationTokenStringZLbDGoXOg2sl!K$XOg2slAuthorization token to access dashboard
tokenSecretString8nrkCeHHWwBSxYP3Secret value to be used to encode the JWT token
tokenLifeTimeString10Token life time, you have to authorize again if token is expired (e.g: 1d, 2h, 10)
configOutputObjectnullConfigured output from EnvOne or Dotenv
defaultApiPathString/envDefault API Path to access authorization dashboard
dashboardApiPathString/env/dashboardDashboard path to access environment keys UI



You can add any suggestions/feature requirements/bugs to the Github issues page : https://github.com/apisquare/envone-ui/issues

Add your fixes and development changes as pull requests to this repository.


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