0.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

eos-contract-wrapper v0.0.1

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5 years ago

Eos Contract Wrapper

Create eos contract js wrapper, make it OOP to calling contract.



clone this project and run npm install at project dir.

2.change config

Check the config dir you can see some config like:

let config = {
        blockchain: 'eos',
        protocol: 'http',
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 80,
        chainId: 'cf057bbfb72640471fd910bcb67639c22df9f92470936cddc1ade0e2f2e7dc4f',
        private_key: "5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"
    CONTRACTS: ["eosio.token"]

module.exports = config;

this project can create contract wrapper using eosjs's transact or my other project eos.service's transact. If you are using eosjs, change USE_EOSSERVICE:true to USE_EOSSERVICE:false, and add the contract name into CONTRACTS after you set code and set abi to your eos chain.

3. run

Back to src and then run index.js, your contracts will show in contracts, after create wrapper, use example at here, just pass your parameter and you can get the transaction receipt.

let EosToken = require('../contracts/eosio.token');

describe('test contract', function () {
    it('test eosio.token transfer', async () => {
        let receipt = await eosToken.transfer("alice", "bob", "1.0000 EOS", "test contract wrapper");
        console.info(JSON.stringify(receipt, null, 2), "\n ");


If you are just using these project to create contract class and copy them, please make sure your config can be found by these files.

What have I done

I'm using fs to write CONTRACT_NAME.js to contracts dir like the following code, if you have using eosjs before, you will feel familiar with it. I have done most require template code that we will not want do that once again and once again. And if you using these class, you can get code from some IDE, make calling contract OOP. To Instantiation the contract object, pass the actorName and permission level to it, and enjoy.

let Config = require("../config");
let net_config = Config.NET_CONFIG;

let {Api, JsonRpc} = require("eosjs");
let JsSignatureProvider = require('eosjs/dist/eosjs-jssig');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const {TextDecoder, TextEncoder} = require('text-encoding');

let rpc = new JsonRpc(`${net_config.protocol}://${net_config.host}:${net_config.port}`, {fetch});

const signatureProvider = new JsSignatureProvider.default([net_config.private_key]);
let api = new Api({
    rpc: rpc,
    textDecoder: new TextDecoder,
    textEncoder: new TextEncoder

class Eosiotoken {
    constructor(actor, permission) {
        this.name = "eosio.token";
        this.actor = actor;
        this.permission = permission;
    async transfer(from, to, quantity, memo) {
        return await api.transact({
            actions: [{
                account: this.name,
                name: "transfer",
                authorization: [{
                    actor: this.actor,
                    permission: this.permission
                data: {from, to, quantity, memo}
        }, {
            blocksBehind: 3,
            expireSeconds: 30,

    async issue(to, quantity, memo) {
        return await api.transact({
            actions: [{
                account: this.name,
                name: "issue",
                authorization: [{
                    actor: this.actor,
                    permission: this.permission
                data: {to, quantity, memo}
        }, {
            blocksBehind: 3,
            expireSeconds: 30,

    async create(issuer, maximum_supply) {
        return await api.transact({
            actions: [{
                account: this.name,
                name: "create",
                authorization: [{
                    actor: this.actor,
                    permission: this.permission
                data: {issuer, maximum_supply}
        }, {
            blocksBehind: 3,
            expireSeconds: 30,
module.exports = Eosiotoken;

and if you are using my eos.service, your will find the code is more concise, just like these:

let EosService = require("eos-service");
let Config = require("../config");
let eosService = new EosService(Config.NET_CONFIG);

class Eosiotoken {
    constructor(actor, permission) {
        this.name = "eosio.token";
        this.actor = actor;
        this.permission = permission;
    async transfer(from, to, quantity, memo) {
        let data = {from, to, quantity, memo};
        return await eosService.pushAction(this.name, "transfer", this.actor, data,this.permission);        

    async issue(to, quantity, memo) {
        let data = {to, quantity, memo};
        return await eosService.pushAction(this.name, "issue", this.actor, data,this.permission);        

    async create(issuer, maximum_supply) {
        let data = {issuer, maximum_supply};
        return await eosService.pushAction(this.name, "create", this.actor, data,this.permission);        

module.exports = Eosiotoken;