1.4.0 • Published 5 years ago

eosup v1.4.0

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Last release
5 years ago


This package installs an executable for managing your local EOSIO testnet from Docker, as well as for compiling EOSIO smart contracts. It can be installed globally for ease of access to the executable, or installed inside a project as a dependency to access utility functions for creating seed data, or running the executable from your package.json scripts section.



Install globally with npm install -g eosup. Then simply run eosup anywhere.

Inside a project

Install as a dependency of your project with npm install eosup. Then, run eosup from your package.json scripts, like this:

"scripts": {
  "build": "eosup compile contract.cpp contract.wasm -c contractname",
  "testnet": "eosup testnet"


Run eosup --help to get info on the specific commands and options.

In the current version, this tool uses:

Block.one doesn't provide the packages in a package registry that allows for simple version selection yet, so for using other versions, a new release of eosup will be necessary. Please open an issue in this repository if you require such update.


Run eosup testnet to start a local single-node testnet and load the eosio.bios and eosio.token contracts, and create the EOS token with 1 billion supply. The process will start printing the nodeos output. When you terminate it, it will stop the Docker container and clean up the blockchain files.

Managing testnet programatically

You can also use the Testnet class from your code by importing this package, giving you more control over the management of your testnet.

const { Testnet } = require('eosup')

async function testnetExample() {
  const testnet = new Testnet({
    printOutput: false,
    extraParams: '--verbose-http-errors'
  await testnet.setup() // This makes sure the Docker image is ready
  testnet.loadExitHandler() // Kill the testnet when killing the current process
  await testnet.start()
  // ...
  await testnet.stop()

Loading seeds

You can run eosup testnet -c "node loadSeeds.js" for example, which will run the specified command (node loadSeeds.js) right after the testnet becomes operational and ready to receive transactions. This allows you to, for example, use TypeScript for loading the seeds (ts-node loadSeeds.ts), or run anything else you want.

Additionally, the EosUp class provides various useful functions for creating accounts, loading contracts, giving eosio.code permissions, and more. You can use these for loading seed data into your testnet, or running automated tests against your contracts on the blockchain.

const { EosUp } = require('eosup')

async function seedingExample() {
  const up = new EosUp()
  await up.createAccount('superdapp') // Can provide a public key as second parameter
  await up.setContract('superdapp', './contract.wasm') // Will automatically load the ABI file with the same name
  await up.createAccount('user1')
  // Add { actor: 'superdapp', permission: 'eosio.code' } to user1's 'active' permission:
  const granted = await up.hasCodeActivePermission('user1', 'superdapp')
  if (!granted) {
    await up.giveCodeActivePermission('user1', 'superdapp')

Compiling contracts

Run eosup compile <inputFile> <outputFile> to compile smart contracts using eosio.cdt (even in Windows). It also supports a --contract <name> option to specify the contract name to be used for generating the ABI.

Compiling contracts programatically

The EosUp class provides a static function for compiling contracts from your code.

const { EosUp } = require('eosup')

async function compileExample() {
  await EosUp.compile({
    input: './inputFile.cpp',
    output: './outputFile.wasm',
    contract: 'mycontract'


  • Please report any bugs you find.
  • Pull requests welcome. Maybe open an issue first to discuss it before you work on new features.