1.0.7 ā€¢ Published 1 year ago

epicc v1.0.7

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Last release
1 year ago


An opinionated interactive CLI that helps you automate generate conventional commits with emojis.

Alt Text


Using npm :

$ npm install -g epicc

Using yarn :

$ yarn add global epicc



First, you will be ask what type of commit do you want to make.

? What is your commit type? (Use arrow keys)
āÆ āœØ Feature
  šŸž Bug Fix
  šŸ“š Documentation
  šŸŽØ Style
  āš”ļø Performance
  šŸ”Ø Refactor
  šŸ—‘ļø Removal
  šŸ”’ Security
  šŸšØ Tests
  šŸ’© Deprecation
  šŸ’š Continuous Integration
  šŸ’” Change
  šŸ”§ Build

Second, you will input the commit message.

? What is your commit type? āœØ Feature
? Enter commit message:  add awesome commit message
ā ‹ ā³ Generating commit. Please standby. Over.
[main fef19ef] āœØ feat: add awesome commit message
 3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
āœ” āœ… Conventional commit successful. Standing by for new orders. Over.

Lastly, by using the epicc p [branch-name], it will then push your commits to the respectine repository.

epicc p main
ā ™ ā³ Copy that command control, pushing updates to the repository. Over.
To https://github.com/kentezrabetita/dict-examination.git
āœ” šŸš€ Command control, updates have been successfully pushed to the repository. Awaiting further orders. Over.


  • -V, --version will display current package version
  • -h, --help will display help
  • -st, --show-table will show a table of conventional commits


  • epicc ac will add all your changes and generate a conventional commit depending on your selection.
  • epicc c will generate a conventional commit but with only the specific changes you stage.
  • epicc p [branch] will push the changes to the repository