1.0.23 • Published 4 years ago

erd-tool v1.0.23

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4 years ago


NovumERD is a free and opensource software component that can be used to visualize, design and modify ERD diagrams.


This is my first opensource project on NPM and i lack experience on many levels. The code seems to run well but i may only think it does. (-: Please contact me if things go bad, thank you!


NovumERD is a free and opensource software component that can be used to visualize, design and modify ERD diagrams. This piece of software was designed to be integrated into other software as a component. This library or component generates a visualisation of a datamodel or anything else that can be captured inside an ERD diagram. It renders a visualisation that allows the user to intereact with the datamodel. Basically, create, modify, add or delete tables and/or columns. Once the user is done manipulating the datamodel it presses a commit or save button and the resulting datamodel is pushed back to the software that surrounds it.

NovumERD is based on React Diagrams.

In a Browser

In your html code add a html element with it's id set to be "application" (configurable) and include the library using a script tag. Then in another script tag start the engine by calling NovumErd.run(); This will initialize the editor with it's default configuration. When you open the page in a webbrowser you should see a canvas / grid with some buttons but no data model.

<div id="application"></div>
<script src="/yourinstalldir/novum-erd/dist/novum-erd.js"></script>
    <!-- Configuration info below -->
    const erdEditor = new Novum.ErdEditor({
        elementId: '#application',
        messagingSystem: Novum.MessagingSystem.Callback,
        logLevel: Novum.LogLevel.debug,
        logger : new Novum.ConsoleLogger()


import {ErdEditor, MessagingSystem} from "erd-tool";
const initialDataModel = {};

    elementId: "#application",
    initialModel: initialDataModel,
    messagingSystem: MessagingSystem.Callback

ErdEditor.onReceive((topic : string, message) => {
    // Topic can be add_model,  edit_model, add_property edit_property
const topic = "model_added";
const message = {

ErdEditor.send(topic, message);

Provide an initial data model

Next you will need to tell the engine what data model to render. The engine will look at various methods to obtain a data model. The first method is trough the dataModel property that you can pass inside an options object to the NovumErd.run() method. If the passed data has a type of "object" then the engine assumes the variable directly contains the data model. If the dataModel property has a type of "string", then it will try to use that as a url and will attempt to fetch the data model from there. When this turns out to be unsuccessful the datamodel will look at the innerHTML property of the element that it is supposed to draw the editor on. If JSON.parse will not throw any exceptions will use the contents of the element as it's initial datasource. The last method is trough a GET variable called schema, the GET variable should contain a reference to a URL that returns the initial data model.

Data model format

Please refer to the examples directory to see what the system is expecting as input. Please note that there is a section tables and a section relations which defines the foreign keys


The engine accepts and emits messages upon certain events. Each message has a topic and a payload, the topic tells the recipient what the message is about, so it can be delegated to the appropriate handler. The payload contains the actual message that needs to be handled.

Message transport

There are currently two ways to communicate with the system.

Direct communication

Up on initialisation you can pass a callback to handle incoming messages and call NovumErd.send(myTopic, myMessage); whenever you would like to tell the engine about some state change.

// Handle incomming message
NovumErd.onReceive((topic, message) => {
    // Your handling logic here.

// Send messages to the engine
const myTopic = 'bla';
const myMessage = {};
NovumErd.send(myTopic, myMessage);

Window.postMessage() / Window.addEventListener()

As an alternative to providing callbacks you can use the Window.postMessage() and Window.addEventListener() functionality to communicate with the engine. In each direction a stringified JSON object is expected containing a topic and a message property. This method is when the editor is loaded trough an iframe and you want to communicate with the system from the parent window.


A few configuration options can be given to the NovumErd.run method.

{ elementId: string, initialModel?: {}|string, messagingSystem : MessagingSystem; onReceive? : ExternalMessageReceiver logLevel? : LogLevel.none logger? : ILogger }

You can configure Property | Type | Default | Description
----------------| --------------------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------ elementId | string | #application | Tells the editor what the id is of the html element that should be used to render the diagram in. initialModel | string|json|undefined | undefined | See Provide an initial data model messagingSystem | MessagingSystem | MessagingSystem.Callback | Specifies the way messages are passed to the external software system. Can be set to Callback or Postmessage. onReceive | callback | void | Only applicable when messagingSystemis set to Callback, provide a callbackfunction with an argument topic (string)and an argument message (json) logLevel | LogLevel | LogLevel.none | Available Log levels are taken over from Winston. With the exception of LogLevel.none which turns off logging. logger | ILogger | Logger | If you would like to log output you can provide a logger that is compatible with the ILogger interface which in turn should be compatbile with Winston


Although some buttons added to the UI, you are expected to create your own panels / forms for manipulating the data model. Whenever this is done you can send a message to the ERD editor to notify the system about the changes. The ERD editor will update it's content based on whatever you are passing.

Messages accepted by the ERD editor

model_addedTableYou send this message after the user added a model in your own UI. This then updates the visualisation by adding the model/table.
property_addedFieldYou send this message after the user added a property in your own UI.Please refer to the Field object or see the example JSON for the definition of a field
property_deletedFieldBy sending field.table_name and field.name in this message the property/field will be removed.

Messages send by the ERD editor

edit_modeltable_nameThe user wants to change some property of the table. You show all the properties in a panel and allowhim/her to make modifications.
edit_propertytable_name, column_nameThe user wants to modify the column, you willreceive a table_name / column_name. You show him a form to edit the property.
add_model{}The user wants to create a table / model.You should show him a form/modal
add_propertytable_nameWhen the user requests to add a propertyto an existing table, you will receivethis message. The contents will be the table name. So you should open some table editing form or screen.
deployDataModelWhen the user clicks on the deploy buttonthis message is emitted with the full data model as it's contents. You shoulddo whatever needs to get done to deploy.

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