0.1.7 • Published 3 years ago
ergoscript v0.1.7
npm install ergoscript
Basic transaction to send token
const tx = new Transaction([
funds: {
ERG: 100000,
tokens: [{ tokenId: 'token id', amount: '1' }],
toAddress: 'address',
additionalRegisters: {},
const unsignedTx = (await tx.build()).toJSON();
// using ergo wallet
const signedTx = await ergo.sign_tx(unsignedTx);
await ergo.submit_tx(signedTx);
Multiple recipients / airdrop
const tokenId = '<tokenId>'
const recipients = [
{ address: '<address_1>', amount: 1 },
{ address: '<address_2>', amount: 10 },
{ address: '<address_3>', amount: 100 },
{ address: '<address_4>', amount: 1000 }
const tx = new Transaction(recipients.map(rec => {
return {
funds: {
ERG: 100000,
tokens: [{ tokenId, amount: rec.amount }],
toAddress: rec.address,
additionalRegisters: {},
const unsignedTx = (await tx.build()).toJSON();
// using ergo wallet
const signedTx = await ergo.sign_tx(unsignedTx);
await ergo.submit_tx(signedTx);
// Methods return a new instance instead of modifying the old instance
const INPUT_0 = new eUTXOBox(tokenToRent as ExplorerBox);
// modify ergoTree value
const OUTPUT_0 = INPUT_0.sendTo(changeAddress);
OUTPUT_0.ergoTree !== INPUT_0.ergoTree;
// setRegisters - add registers and return new instance
const INPUT_0 = new eUTXOBox(tokenToRent as ExplorerBox);
const OUTPUT_0 = INPUT_0.setRegisters({
R5: { value: price, type: Long },
R6: { value: period, type: Long },
const tx = new Transaction([
[INPUT_0, OUTPUT_0], // setting those boxes as first input and output of the transaction - handy for smart contracts
funds: {
ERG: 100000,
tokens: [{ tokenId: 'token id', amount: '1' }],
toAddress: 'address',
additionalRegisters: {},
// reset registers - remove all registers and return new instance
const OUTPUT_0 = INPUT_0.resetRegisters();
Test script with Mocha test
import buildScriptScope from 'ergoscript/lib/ergoscriptMock';
const script = `sigmaProp(true)`;
const tx = new Transaction([
funds: {
ERG: 100000,
tokens: [{ tokenId: 'token id', amount: '1' }],
toAddress: 'address',
additionalRegisters: {},
describe('Rentring transaction', () => {
it('reduces to true', async () => {
const txBuilt = await tx.build();
const simulator = await buildScriptScope(txBuilt);
const response = simulator.execute(script);