0.1.10 • Published 4 years ago

eric.js v0.1.10

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4 years ago


eric.js is a fast and tiny DOM navigation and manipulation library.

Many similar libraries add so many features, that they have become bloated and slow, creating noticable data traffic for your servers and your users.

eric.js aims to replace the most utilised features of jQuery and is of similar usage.

This library is by far not extensive yet, but the most necessary features are already implemented and ready to be used.

We will update this package as required by your suggestions and our own use cases.

Using eric instances


Instantiate an eric object.

query is either of type string, function or object.

typeof query === 'string'

Select DOM-Elements.

Select elements with document.querySelectorAll(query).


let featureImages = e('main div.feature-image');

typeof query === 'function'

The given callback function is called when the DOMContentLoaded event is fired.


e(function () {
    alert('DOMContentLoaded fired');

typeof query === 'object'

Lets you specify a list of elements, or a single one to select and use.

Valid object types are Eric, Array, HTMLCollection, NodeList, and Node.

If query is of an invalid object type, the selection will be empty instead.

If query instanceof Eric, query will be cloned.


let myApp1 = e(document.querySelectorAll('#app'));
// is equivalent to
let myApp2 = e('#app');
// only select frist DOM-Element with id 'wrapper'
let myWrapper1 = e(document.getElementById('wrapper'));
// is equivalent to
let myWrapper2 = e().query('wrapper').id().select();

// select *all* DOM-Elements with id 'wrapper'
let myWrappers1 = e('#wrapper');
// which is equivalent to
let myWrappers2 = e().query('#wrapper').all().select();
// and even
let myWrappers3 = e().select('#wrapper');
// cloning it
let myWrappers4 = e(myWrappers3);

More on query selectors and pushing elements to eric instances

// select first element of id 'demoid' and all with classname 'exampleclass'
let myElements = [

// add all elements with classname 'testclass'
myElements = myElements.concat(document.getElementsByClassName('testclass'));

let mySelection = e(myElements);

// similar (but not identical) to
let myBroaderSelection = e('#demoid, .exampleclass, .testclass');

Selecting elements


Set the current selection of elements of an eric instance.

Valid elements parameter types are Array, HTMLCollection, NodeList and Node.


Change the current selection of an eric instance.

Here, query has to be a String.

Equivalent to e(query) or eric.query(query).all().select().


Change the current selection of an eric instance.

Here, only a string is expected as query parameter.

eric.query(query) returns an object with the following methods. Each of these methods returns an object of options to either select() queried elements to replace the current selection, or push() them to or unshift() them into the existing selection of elements; these two methods return the modified eric instance.


Uses document.querySelector(query) to select elements.


Uses document.querySelectorAll(query) to select elements.


Uses document.getElementById(query) to select elements.


Uses document.getElementsByClassName(query) to select elements.


Create a new eric instance with any child elements of the current selection matching the given query.

Use a String for query.

Uses element.querySelectorAll(query) foreach selected element to select the new ones.


Append elements to the current selection of an eric instance.

Valid query types are String, Array, HTMLCollection, NodeList and Node.

If typeof query === 'string', this is equivalent to eric.query(query).all().push().

e().pop(getNode = false, empty = true)

Pop the last element off of the current selection of an eric instance.

If getNode = true, the actual Node/HTMLElement is returned instead of a new eric instance containing the popped element.

If the current selection is empty, whereupon no element can be popped:

  • An empty eric instance will be returned by default (empty = true), on empty = false, undefined will be returned instead;
  • If (getNode && empty) == true, an empty e.emptyNode() will be returned.


Prepend elements to the current selection of an eric instance.

Valid query types are String, Array, HTMLCollection, NodeList and Node.

If typeof query === 'string', this is equivalent to eric.query(query).all().unshift().

e().shift(getNode = false, empty = true)

Pop the first element off of the current selection of an eric instance.

If getNode = true, the actual Node/HTMLElement is returned instead of a new eric instance containing the popped element.

If the current selection is empty, whereupon no element can be popped:

  • An empty eric instance will be returned by default (empty == true), on empty = false, undefined will be returned instead;
  • If (getNode && empty) == true, an empty e.emptyNode() will be returned.

e().create(tag, options = {})

Create an element and push it to the current selection.

Uses document.createElement(tag).

All options will be defined as properties of the created element.

If options.prepend = true, the created element won't be pushed, but unshifted to the selection.

options.attributes may be an object of key: value pairs to be set as attributes (Attr) of the created HTMLElement.

e().attach(parent, cloneAttach = false)

Appends the selected elements as children to one or more parents.

If cloneAttach = false, the selected elements will be attached to the first element matching the parent query.

If cloneAttach = true, the selected elements will be cloned and attached to all elements matching the parent query.

If parent is not an existing eric instance, it will be used in a new eric constructor.

e().append(elements, cloneAppend = false)

Appends the given elements as children to the currently selected elements.

If cloneAppend = false, the given elements will be appended to the first currently selected element.

If cloneAppend = true, the given elements will be cloned and appended to all currently selected elements.

If elements is not an existing eric instance, it will be used in a new eric constructor.

e().parents(getNodes = false)

Get all parents of the currently selected elements.

If getNodes = true, an array of Nodes will be returned instead of a new eric instance containing the parents.

Get selected elements

If getNode = true a Node/HTMLElement will be returned instead of a new eric instance containing the first element of the selection.

If empty = false and no elements are currently selected, undefined is returned instead of a new empty eric instance (with getNode = false), or an empty e.emptyNode() (with getNode = true).

e().first(getNode = false, empty = true)

Returns the first of the selected elements.

e().last(getNode = false, empty = true)

Returns the last of the selected elements.

e().get(n, getNode = false, empty = true)

Returns the nth selected element.

Where n is your wanted index and typeof n === 'number'.

Manipulate elements


Executes the callback function for each selected element.

Calls e.forEach(elements, callback) with the given callback on the selected elements.


Manipulate classnames of the selected elements.

Returns an object with the following methods. If the returnClass parameter is true, these methods will return this same object, instead of the respective eric instance, to make method chaining easier.

e().class(classnames).add(returnClass = false)

Add the given classnames to each selected element’s classList.


e('nav .menu-item').class('is-active').add();

e().class(classnames).remove(returnClass = false)

Remove the given classnames from each selected element’s classList.


e('nav .menu-item').class('is-active').remove();

e().class(classnames).toggle(returnClass = false)

Toogle the given classnames on each individual selected element’s classList.


e('nav .menu-item').class('is-active').toggle();

e().class(classnames).unify(returnClass = false)

If the first selected element’s classList contains the given classnames, they will be added to the others. If it does not contain them, they will be removed from all other elements.


e('nav .menu-item').class('is-active').unify();
// Ensures that all selected elements either do or do not have the desired class before toggling.
e('nav .menu-item').class('is-active').unify(true).toggle();


Returns a boolean, whether the first element’s classList contains the given classnames.


if (e('nav .menu-item').class('is-active').has()) {
    // First selected element has class 'is-active'.


Returns a boolean, whether all selected element’s classLists contain the given classnames.


if (e('nav .menu-item').class('is-active').have()) {
    // All selected elements have class 'is-active'.


Returns a boolean, whether any of the selected element’s classLists contain the given classnames.


if (e('nav .menu-item').class('is-active').any()) {
    // At least one of the selected elements has class 'is-active'.

e().attr(key, value = null)

Manipulate attributes of the selected elements.

  • If only a key is given, or value = null, the current value of the first selected element’s corresponding attribute is returned.


<img id="my-img" alt="An Example Image" src="/images/example.jpg" />
let src = e('#my-img').attr('src');
// src === '/images/example.jpg'
  • If the given value is not null or false, the attribute’s value is changed accordingly on all selected elements.

Example: (HTML as above)

e('#my-img').attr('alt', 'A Beautiful Picture');

Results in:

<img id="my-img" alt="A Beautiful Picture" src="/images/example.jpg" />
  • If value = false, the given attribute is removed from all selected elements.

Example: (HTML as above)

e('#my-img').attr('src', false);

Results in:

<img id="my-img" alt="A Beautiful Picture" />

e().data(key, value = null)

Manipulate data-attributes of the selected elements.

Same functionality as eric.attr(key, value), but prefixes attribute names with data-, to simplify data-attribute access.


<input id="my-input" data-old="old input value" />
let myInput = e('#my-input');
let oldValue = myInput.data('old');
// oldValue === 'old input value'

// => Thus:
myInput.data('old', false);
myInput.data('info', 'example value');
<!-- => results in: -->
<input id="my-input" data-info="example value" />

e().text(value = null)

Get the innerText property of the first selected element or change textContent on all.


Get the textContent property of the first selected element.

e().html(value = null)

Get the innerHTML property of the first selected element or change it on all.

e().val(value = null)

Get the value attribute of the first selected element or change it on all.

Manipulate the DOM structure

e().remove(retain = false)

Delete all selected elements from the DOM.

If retain = true, the removed elements are not removed from the eric instance's selected elements list.

e().empty(textContentMode = true, retainText = false)

Delete all child elements of the selected elements.

If textContentMode = true, each elements textContent property is set to an empty String (generally faster). If textContentMode = false, each elements innerHTML property is set to an empty String instead.

If retainText = true, direct child TextNodes and comments will be retained. In this case textContentMode will be ignored.

User interactions


Focus the first selected element.

e().bind(event, callback, whileCapture = false)

Attach an event handler to the selected elements.

e('button').bind('click', function (event) {
    alert('button clicked')


Trigger an event on the selected elements.

Use an instance of Event, or a String to create a new Event(event) with as parameter.

Static methods

These can be used independently of eric instances.

e.forEach(elements, callback, thisArg = undefined)

static Call a function for each element of a given array.

Signature of callback: function(element, index, array)


static Check if o actually is an instance of Node. Returns boolean.


static Check if o actually is an instance of Element. Returns boolean.


static Check if o actually is an instance of HTMLElement. Returns boolean.

e.mix(controller, mix)

static Add all properties of mix as properties to controller.

e.listElements(elements = [])

static Create an array from a given HTMLCollection, NodeList, Array or Node.


static Create an empty TextNode.


static Create an eric instance with an element.

Uses document.createElement(tag).


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