1.2.1 • Published 5 months ago

error-visualizer v1.2.1

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Last release
5 months ago


An interactive and visually appealing error visualization tool for Node.js. Transform cryptic stack traces into colorful, ASCII art-enhanced displays with helpful tips and an interactive exploration mode.


  • 🎨 Colorful error messages with ASCII art
  • 🔍 Interactive mode for exploring error details
  • 📊 Error statistics tracking
  • 🌈 Customizable color themes
  • 🌐 Global error handling for uncaught exceptions
  • 💡 Helpful tips for common error types


npm install error-visualizer


Basic Usage

const { visualizeError } = require('error-visualizer');

try {
  // Your code that might throw an error
  throw new Error('This is a test error');
} catch (error) {

Global Error Handling

const { setupGlobalErrorHandling } = require('error-visualizer');

// Set up global error handling
setupGlobalErrorHandling({ interactive: true });

// Your code here
// Any uncaught errors will be visualized

Interactive Mode

When using the interactive mode, you can:

  1. View the full stack trace
  2. See error statistics
  3. Change the color theme
  4. Exit the interactive mode


You can customize the appearance and behavior of the error visualizer:

const { visualizeError } = require('error-visualizer');

// Customize options
const options = {
  interactive: true, // Enable interactive mode
  theme: 'matrix', // Set initial color theme

visualizeError(error, options);


  • chalk for terminal string styling
  • boxen for creating boxes in the terminal

Happy debugging! 🐛🔍