0.6.0 • Published 2 years ago

es-eval v0.6.0

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Last release
2 years ago


Evaluate JavaScript expressions safely. No more being afraid of what the users enter!

:game_die: Playground (pre-release version)


npm i es-eval


// Simple expression
const esEval = require('es-eval');

const result = esEval('1 + 2');
console.log(result); // Output: 3
// User values
const esEval = require('es-eval');

const result = esEval('1 + x', { x: 4 });
console.log(result); // Output: 5

Or more complex examples:

// IIFE example
const esEval = require('es-eval');

const exp = `(() => {
  const out = [];

  const callback = () => {
    out.push('callback() called');

  const main = function (param, cb) {
    out.push('main() started with param = "' + param + '"');
    out.push('main() finished');

  main('My value', callback);

  return out;

// Output: [
//   'main() called with My value',
//   'Callback called!',
//   'main() finished'
// ]
// Hangup protection in infinite loop
const esEval = require('es-eval');

try {
  esEval(`(() => {
    while (true) {}
} catch (err) {
  console.log(err.message); // Output: 'Evaluation timeout'


Hangup protectionThe execution of any user inputs is protected against intentional or unintentional hangups. Since it is mathematically proven that the halting problem is undecidable, hence it cannot be automatically computed, this protection is based on a configurable timeout.
Primitive valuesnumber, string, boolean and undefined values.
Objects{ key: 'value' }, null, built-in static methods: Object.entries(), Object.keys(), Object.values()
Arrays[1, 2, 3], built-in properties and methods: length, push, pop, shift, ushift, slice, splice, forEach, map, filter, reduce, includes
Arrow function expressions(x, y) => x + y
Standard function expressionsfunction () { return 'value'; }
Nested expressions(a < (b + 1) && a - (a < ([1, 2].map(x => 1 + x)).length))
Callbackscb => { cb(); return 1; }
Mathematical operations+, -, /, *, %, **
Comparators===, !==, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
Logical operations&&, ||, !
Bitwise operations&, |, ^
Ternary operator... ? ... : ...
Nullish operator??
Variablesconst and let declarations. Assignments.
Conditionalif / else statement.
Loopswhile statement.
JSONJSON.parse() and JSON.stringify().
MathMath.random(), Math.min(), Math.max(), Math.floor(), Math.ceil() and Math.round().
Spread operator (...)Spread syntax for arrays, objects, and parameters.
Global functionsparseFloat and parseInt.

Coming soon...

:sweat: In ProgressisNaNDetermines whether a value is NaN.
:sweat: In ProgressisFiniteDetermines whether a value is a finite number.
:sweat: In Progressfor ... of loopCreates a loop iterating over iterable objects, including: built-in String and Array
:hourglass_flowing_sand: To-DoArray.from()Creates a copy of an iterable or array-like object.
:hourglass_flowing_sand: To-DoArray.isArray()Determines whether the passed value is an Array.
:hourglass_flowing_sand: To-DoArray.of()Creates an array from the arguments.

Future features

:incoming_envelope: Vote what's coming on! :bulb: or Suggest your ideas.

Browser support
for in loop
for (;;) loop
do ... while loop
And a lot more!...

How it works?

  • It never executes user code passing it to JS engine (no eval(), no new Function(...), no vm, no other third party engines), making sure the evaluation is safe.
  • No access to require/import modules.
  • No access to OS features like file system, network, etc.
  • No access to global objects.
  • All user code is parsed to an AST and analyzed step by step, representing the code statements and functions in own components. No native functions are created with the user input.
  • All access to global objects is emulated and there's no real access to natives.
  • Standard ECMAScript features are implemented and not delegated to the underlying engine.

What is this for

:white_check_mark: Evaluate user input expressions safely

:white_check_mark: Easily provide a way to enter and evaluate custom conditions

:white_check_mark: Embed JS expressions in template engines

:white_check_mark: Parse custom JS functions once and evaluate them many times

:white_check_mark: Create expressions with context values, including objects and arrays

What is this NOT for

:no_entry: Create entire applications

:no_entry: Replace V8, or other JS engines


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago