0.0.1 • Published 6 months ago

es-lazy v0.0.1

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6 months ago


Lazy load ECMAScript modules.


npm i es-lazy


All methods take three arguments:

  • meta: Import meta
  • path: the path to the filename relative to the current file
  • exportedAs: the name of the export to import (default: default)

Lazy function

Create an async function that when called will import the file and call the exported function with the arguments provided.

export default (name) => {
  return `${name} is lazy!`;
import { lazyFunction } from 'es-lazy/lazy-function.js';

const iAmLazy = lazyFunction(import.meta, './lazy.js');

console.log(await iAmLazy('Han')); // --> Han is lazy!

Lazy class

Create an async function that when called will import the file and instantiate the exported class with the arguments provided.

export default class {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;

  message() {
    return `${this.name} is lazy!`;
import { lazyClass } from 'es-lazy/lazy-class.js';

const iAmLazy = lazyClass(import.meta, './lazy.js');

console.log((await iAmLazy('Han')).message()); // --> Han is lazy!

Lazy generator

Create an async generator function that when yielded will import the file and call the exorted generator function with the arguments provided.

export default function* (name) {
  yield `${name} is lazy!`;
  yield `${name} is still lazy!`;
  yield `${name} is not getting less lazy!`;
import { lazyGenerator } from 'es-lazy/lazy-generator.js';

const iAmLazy = lazyGenerator(import.meta, './lazy.js');

for await (const message of iAmLazy('Han')) {

// console --> Han is lazy!
// console --> Han is still lazy!
// console --> Han is not getting less lazy!

Lazy factories

The factory is called once when the first call to the factorized method is made. Available for functions (lazy-function-factory.js), classes (lazy-class-factory.js) and generators (lazy-generator-factory.js).

export default (name) => (lazyOrNot) => {
  return `${name} is ${lazyOrNot ? 'lazy' : 'not lazy'}!`;
import { lazyFunctionFactory } from 'es-lazy/lazy-function-factory.js';

const amILazyFactory = lazyFunctionFactory(import.meta, './lazy.js');
const amILazy = amILazyFactory('Han');

console.log(await amILazy(true)); // --> Han is lazy!
console.log(await amILazy(false)); // --> Han is not lazy!

6 months ago