1.3.0 • Published 2 years ago
es-main v1.3.0
Test if an ES module is run directly with Node.js. Acts as a replacement for require.main
import esMain from 'es-main';
if (esMain(import.meta)) {
// Module run directly.
It can be useful to have a module that is both imported from other modules and run directly. With CommonJS, it is possible to have a top-level condition that checks if a script run directly like this:
if (require.main === module) {
// Do something special.
With ES modules in Node.js, require.main
is not available. Other alternatives like process.mainModule
and module.parent
are also not defined for ES modules. In the future, there may be an alternative way to do this check (e.g. import.meta.main
or a special main
export). Until then, this package provides a workaround.