0.5.1 • Published 2 years ago

es-type-checker v0.5.1

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2 years ago

es-type-checker v0.5.1

Want to check your types in Node.js simply with esNext features? If yes, then you are in the right place.

it was an experiment that breathed life in checker-as-is

No longer supported pls using checker-as-is

Syntax from javascript Destructuring assignment

        const argument = 'any string';

        ({ string: type } = argument.type), of(argument);

That's all type checked.

More explanation.

    const { property } = object; //This is normal desctructive assignment.

It's the same in other way.

    let property;
    ({ property } = object);

When we change some detail, we will get this:

    let size;
    ({ length: size } = object);
    // now variable size contains the length data of object

When we use object.type we get the proxy magic. Welcome to the source code if you need more details.

One bad news!

For clean syntax, I need to use global.type. I'm still wondering how I can fix this. Avoid using a variable named "type" in your code.

Full syntax

npm i es-type-checker -S
import TypeChecker from 'es-type-checker';

const { is } = new TypeChecker();
const of = is;

For functions:

function example(oneParameter) {
        const checkedParameter = is({ string: type } = oneParameter.type, oneParameter);

example('text'); // no Errors
example(1); // TypeError: Number is not a string

For classes:

class Example {
    constructor(firstOption, secondOption, thirdOption) {
        this.firstOption = is({ string: type } = firstOption.type, firstOption);
        const useSecondOption = is({ string: type } = thirdOption.type, thirdOption);
        ({ string: type } = useSecondOption.type), of(useSecondOption); //only to check;

If the variable isn't defined:

function example(oneParameter) {
        const checkedParameter = is({ string: type } = oneParameter.type, oneParameter);

example();// TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')

If you want to check for undefined or null use the following syntax:

        ({ undefined: type } = undefined?.type ?? true), of(undefined);

        ({ null: type } = null?.type ?? 'any operand, I use true for code readability'), of(null);

        // maybe you want to use like this
        ({ undefined: type } = undefined?.type ?? Error), of(undefined);

More complicated syntax:

    classMathod(object) {
        const { url, query, body, isHttps, validator } = object;

        ({ notEmpty: type } = url.type), of(url);
        ({ notEmpty: type } = query.type), of(query);
        ({ empty: type } = body.type), of(body);

        this.url = is({ string: type } = url.type, url);
        this.query = is({ array: type } = query.type, query);
        this.body = is({ object: type } = body.type, body);

        ({ boolean: type } = isHttps.type), of(isHttps);
        ({ function: type } = validator.type), of(validator);
        ... other code

List of all supported types with syntax examples:

        ({ string: type } = string_.type), of(string_);
        ({ String: type } = string_.type), of(string_);
        ({ Number: type } = number_.type), of(number_);
        ({ number: type } = number_.type), of(number_);
        ({ boolean: type } = boolean_.type), of(boolean_);
        ({ Boolean: type } = boolean_.type), of(boolean_);
        ({ symbol: type } = symbol_.type), of(symbol_);
        ({ Symbol: type } = symbol_.type), of(symbol_);
        ({ function: type } = function_.type), of(function_);
        ({ Function: type } = function_.type), of(function_);
        ({ bigint: type } = bigInt_.type), of(bigInt_);
        ({ BigInt: type } = bigInt_.type), of(bigInt_);
        ({ undefined: type } = undefined_?.type ?? true), of(undefined_);
        ({ null: type } = null_?.type ?? true), of(null_);
        ({ Array: type } = array_.type), of(array_);
        ({ array: type } = array_.type), of(array_);
        ({ date: type } = date_.type), of(date_);
        ({ Date: type } = date_.type), of(date_);
        ({ object: type } = object_.type), of(object_);
        ({ Object: type } = object_.type), of(object_);
        ({ Set: type } = set_.type), of(set_);
        ({ set: type } = set_.type), of(set_);
        ({ Map: type } = map_.type), of(map_);
        ({ map: type } = map_.type), of(map_);
        ({ WeakSet: type } = weakSet_.type), of(weakSet_);
        ({ weakset: type } = weakSet_.type), of(weakSet_);
        ({ WeakMap: type } = weakMap_.type), of(weakMap_);
        ({ weakmap: type } = weakMap_.type), of(weakMap_);
        ({ WeakRef: type } = weakRef_.type), of(weakRef_);
        ({ weakref: type } = weakRef_.type), of(weakRef_);
        ({ RegExp: type } = regExp_.type), of(regExp_);
        ({ regexp: type } = regExp_.type), of(regExp_);
        ({ Error: type } = error_.type), of(error_);
        ({ error: type } = error_.type), of(error_);
        ({ RangeError: type } = rangeError_.type), of(rangeError_);
        ({ rangeerror: type } = rangeError_.type), of(rangeError_);
        ({ ReferenceError: type } = referenceError_.type), of(referenceError_);
        ({ referenceerror: type } = referenceError_.type), of(referenceError_);
        ({ SyntaxError: type } = syntaxError_.type), of(syntaxError_);
        ({ syntaxerror: type } = syntaxError_.type), of(syntaxError_);
        ({ TypeError: type } = typeError_.type), of(typeError_);
        ({ typeerror: type } = typeError_.type), of(typeError_);
        ({ Buffer: type } = buffer_.type), of(buffer_);
        ({ buffer: type } = buffer_.type), of(buffer_);
        ({ Promise: type } = promise_.type), of(promise_);
        ({ promise: type } = promise_.type), of(promise_);
        ({ JSON: type } = json_.type), of(json_);
        ({ json: type } = json_.type), of(json_);
        ({ JSON5: type } = json5_.type), of(json5_);
        ({ json5: type } = json5_.type), of(json5_);
        ({ StrictTypeChecker: type } = strictTypeChecker_.class), of(strictTypeChecker_);
        ({ StrictTypeChecker: type } = StrictTypeChecker.class), of(StrictTypeChecker);
        ({ empty: type } = string_.type), of(string_);
        ({ empty: type } = array_.type), of(array_);
        ({ empty: type } = object_.type), of(object_);
        ({ empty: type } = set_.type), of(set_);
        ({ empty: type } = map_.type), of(map_);
        ({ empty: type } = weakSet_.type), of(weakSet_);
        ({ empty: type } = weakMap_.type), of(weakMap_);
        ({ empty: type } = weakRef_.type), of(weakRef_);
        ({ notEmpty: type } = string_.type), of('string_');
        ({ notEmpty: type } = array_.type), of([array_]);
        ({ notEmpty: type } = object_.type), of({object_: 1});
        ({ notEmpty: type } = set_.type), of(new Set().add(1));
        ({ notEmpty: type } = map_.type), of(new Map().set('a', 1));
        ({ notEmpty: type } = weakSet_.type), of(weakSet_.add(object_));
        ({ notEmpty: type } = weakMap_.type), of(weakMap_.set(object_, 1));
        ({ notEmpty: type } = weakRef_.type), of(new WeakRef({t:1}));
No dependencies except of json5, pure javascript code. No selfish syntax, if you know javascript you can write code without any challenges.