1.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

esc-gnr v1.0.3

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Last release
3 years ago
  _____                          ____                        ____                           _             _
 | ____|___  ___ __ _ _ __   ___|  _ \ ___   ___  _ __ ___  / ___| ___ _ __   ___ _ __ __ _| |_ ___  _ __| |
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NPM version License

The first indoor escape room generator!

Send your beloved partner\roomate\dog\bff to a COVID-19 style adventure around the house!

The rules of the game are pretty simple, use the clues to find the stashed QR code around your house, Scan it, save aside the code you're getting from each clue.

At the end you'll be able to decode that with all the clues you found so far with a dedicated private GPG key that has been generated just for you!


npm.io https://storage.googleapis.com/shell-gems.appspot.com/img/index.html

How to install

npm i -g esc-gnr

How to use

  1. Create and navigate to a dedicated work folder
  2. Execute the cmd to initiate a new escape room project
  1. Fill the questionnaire.
  2. Once done, deploy the entire content of /public folder, and print the file manual.pdf.

    Currently, there's also a /keys folder that been created with the GPG keys, in the future the private key will be provided to download at the last stage of the game.

  3. Spread the QR codes around the house base on the hints you filled in the wizard.
  4. Send your loved one to a quest and reduce COVID boredom.

In the last stage of the quest, the user will receive his private key in order to decode the entire clue.

NEW Features

  • Add YouTube support
  • Include giphy and any other external source
  • Generate a PDF with all the QR codes


  • Generate firebase project file.
  • Allow to download the private GPG key at the last stage of the game.
